Is There an Answer?

While examining each social contract theorist, Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau, my analysis offered valuable insight not only into the issue of gun control but our current system and society as a whole. My research on Locke’s theory revealed the faults that may have been involved in the creation of his theory and natural man. Locke’s ignorance of certain members of the human race could lead to several faults within his theory regarding more than gun control. My analysis of Hobbes support of self-preservation along with the current use of firearms for self-defense reveals changes in circumstances since his own theory that may affect its usefulness in addressing our issues today. Finally, looking into Rousseau’s theory and support of the general will, I uncovered that being as large as it is, the United States may not fairly and adequately represent the majority of the people as well as it would as a smaller state.

My findings throughout the analysis of each of these pieces stretch far from what I expected. Instead of revealing helpful ways of handling our current issue on gun control, each of the three theories offered faults within their own findings as well as our government today. When I began this blog, I expected to uncover an answer to my question – as I end it, I leave with more questions. Maybe the answer to gun control is not about a law that will fix the problem but involves the people and the government in general. Maybe a larger change needs to be made surrounding the way we come up with legislation and how we follow certain theories.

For myself, there is no right or wrong answer to gun control answered by the social contract theorists. While I believe a change needs to be made and we need to be protected, I lack the support of any of these three theorists in why that should be done. I advise you, my readers, to take a chance and look at these pieces yourself. Did you find something different?