General Meeting with Stacy and Witbeck 11/16 5:45

We’re excited to have our third GM of the semester on Tuesday, November 16th at 5:45 pm central in room 2312 in Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory. Stacy and Witbeck is a a leader in the heavy civil construction industry, specializing in transit infrastructure. They utilize construction methods to build and improve rail infrastructure across the country, and they will be sharing a Project Tour on one of their exciting projects with us.

Chick-fil-A will be provided!

General Meeting with Hanson Professional Services 10/12, 5:45

  • We’re excited to have our second GM of the semester this coming Tuesday, October 12th at 5:45 pm central in room 2312 in Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory
  • Greg Nichelson will present on Hanson Professional Services’ project to improve the Springfield, IL rail corridor
  • Hanson provides engineering consulting services and construction management to many customers in a variety of industries. Their rail projects span topics from commuter railway facilities to capacity improvements
    • Project portfolio shown here
  • Chipotle burritos will be provided!

General Meeting with Marty Shlenker 9/7 at 5:45 central

The AREMA board is excited to return to in-person events this semester! That starts this Tuesday, September 7th, with a presentation from Mr. Marty Schlenker. He will bring his 23 years of experience, including his long tenure as assistant vice president of service design at BNSF. He will present on rail freight and urban mobility. The meeting will take place at NCEL 1310 and food will be provided! We’re looking forward to seeing you all there!

General Meeting with IKOS 4/13/21

IKOS USA is a consulting firm specialized in the railway industry with expertise in train control & signaling, communications, electrification, infrastructure, and rolling stock. A few examples of their current projects include the implementation of NYC’s MTA PTC system (design, testing & commissioning, and RAMS), the validation and system integration of the Acela II’s braking system, and NYCT Queen Blvd CBTC upgrade. IKOS has 1100 engineers spread internationally and they will be accepting CVs during the presentation! Use this link to join the meeting on 4/13 at 5:00 PM CDT.

Event Flyer!

3/24/2021 General Meeting with Quandel

Join us Wednesday March 24th at 5:00 central for a general meeting with Quandel Consultants! Quandel is a Chicago-based railroad consulting firm, which focuses on passenger rail improvement. Current projects they are working on include double tracking 9 miles between Dearborn and Ypsilanti, MI for MDOT, increasing passenger rail speeds to 110 mph between Kalamazoo and Dearborn, increasing the number of Amtrak Hiawatha Service round trips between Chicago and Milwaukee from 7 to 10, and implementing new Amtrak service between Chicago and the Quad Cities. After the presentation, the floor will be opened up to networking, so make sure to bring your resume! Project engineers Mike Meyer and Adrian Diaz de Rivera will be presenting. Mike Meyer has worked at Quandel for the past 6 years after earning his Bachelors in Civil Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Adrian Diaz de Rivera is a RailTEC alumnus who also served as student chapter president in 2019. Use this link to join the meeting on 3/24 at 5:00 pm central.

03/04/2021 General Meeting With Brightline West

Join us Thursday March 4th at 6:00 pm central for a presentation from Brightline West. This revolutionary project will connect Los Angeles and Las Vegas with fully electric high-speed rail that can reach a top speed of 200 mph, reducing the trip time from 6 hours by car to a projected 3 hours by train. The presenter is Tom Roadcap, a RailTEC alumnus who served as the UIUC AREMA Student Chapter president in 2016! Use this link to join the meeting on 3/4 at 6:00 pm central. Learn more about the project here.

Service route map from LA to Las Vegas.

First General Meeting of Spring 2021

This Wednesday, February 3rd, the UIUC AREMA Student Chapter will be hosting our first general meeting of the spring 2021 semester. We will begin with a board transition, and then turn the floor over to Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) for a presentation about automated track inspection. They operate six passenger lines in our nation’s capital, and regularly saw over 600,000 daily trips before the lockdown. We’re excited to welcome them!
You can access the meeting with the following link: