Student Paper Contest

09-24-14 (h)

Students who have performed new or innovative work on antenna design, fabrication, testing, analysis or related topics are encouraged to submit a preliminary abstract and then a 10-12 (maximum) page full-length paper for the student paper contest. Papers relevant to the themes of the Symposium or to any aspect of antenna design, development and application are welcome. Contest finalists will receive reimbursement for all reasonable and prudent travel costs and registration fees up to a maximum of $1,000. Faculty supervisors must agree to cover travel costs that exceed the allowed stipend.

The winner will be selected from the finalists based on the full-length Proceedings paper and oral presentation. Criteria for the judging papers include originality, usefulness of the results, and clarity of presentation. All finalists will receive a certificate of participation.

Eligibility: Contestants must be students pursuing a graduate or undergraduate degree and the work reported must be substantially that of the student author(s). The work that is reported should be the result of thesis studies or similar educational pursuits. Faculty advisors and other contributors may be co-authors, as appropriate.

Abstract Submission Requirements: All materials listed below should be submitted according to the deadline and procedures specified for author paper abstracts.

Faculty supervisors are strongly encouraged to attend the symposium.


Deadline for Abstract Submission: May 27, 2024

Preparation of Final Paper: Contest winners will be determined by Symposium participants based upon (i) the final paper published in the Proceedings and (ii) the oral presentation at the Symposium. Student Contest papers must be prepared and submitted according to the Authors Instructions, EXCEPT student papers should be at least 10 pages and not more than 12 pages. Eligibility to attend the Symposium and to participate in the contest requires that the final paper must be submitted according to the Authors Instructions by August 19, 2024.