
The sessions are recorded and videos are linked with the title of each topic

Allies in STEM is a program targeting graduate STEM students who want to develop their skills to be lifelong allies for minorities in STEM. A series of six hybrid workshops will be held during the Fall 2022 semester – each including guest speakers and Q&A discussions addressing a variety of topics. 

Promoting allyship has been shown to increase progress toward diversity goals in workplace settings. This program is an opportunity for graduate students to not only learn about what it means to be an ally to minorities in STEM but also provide practical techniques for implementing these skills into their future careers.  

Allies in STEM is a collaborative project between GradSWE and SACNASJoin our team! 

Allies in STEM is graciously funded but the Grassroots Initiatives to Address Needs Together (GIANT) program from the Institute for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA).