Critical Response III

Critical Response

This critical response happened to be my favorite assignment from this semester. I enjoyed it because I had never written a movie review prior to this assignment and it allowed me to voice my opinion of Chief Illiniwek. The film taught me the history behind our previous mascot at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Chief Illiniwek, and why he was removed. I also enjoyed how this assignment encouraged me to consider the reasonings of supporters and non-supporters, in regards to Chief Illiniwek. My views on Chief lliniwek and the decision for him to removed still remained the same, but the differing opinions were interesting to watch and reflect on.

I scored relatively high on this assignment, which gave me little to revise. However, I did have an issue with passive voice, in which I rephrased to become active. This made the sentence less wordy and more direct. In my revision process, I paid close attention to citation errors being that this was my first time citing a movie. For the most part, I did relatively well. I did place one citation in the wrong place, that was an easy fix, in which I placed the citation after the following sentence to provide an accurate source boundary. I also altered the title by providing a subtitle to indicate that this assignment was a movie review.

Overall, this assignment was informative and enjoyable. Although I wish we had a mascot, I will wait until we find one that’s respectful of everyone’s beliefs and cultures.


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