
The process of drawing can easily be compared to the writing process and here’s how:

  1. The pre-drawing phase is considered to be the time where the artist considers what the object looks like or the different dimensions necessary to complete his piece. It is also the time where you decide what colors best complement your piece and begin sketching. This pre-drawing phase can be compared to the pre-drafting page of your paper, where you gather all of your sources and begin to structure your paper.
  2. The drafting phase is when the artist begins applying details that make the drawing come to “life”. The artist begins to grasp his sense of direction and put his work into perspective. This step is similar to when we begin putting actual words on our paper after gathering all of our evidence. We begin to bring our ideas to “life” by putting them on the paper, while managing to make minor improvements.
  3.  The revising phase is the point where the artist begins looking at his work with a critical eye, adding detail and maybe even color. They also tend to seek feedback from their peers with the intention of improving their work. Similar to when we have our workshops in class, we use that time to gain feedback and find ways to improve our work.
  4.  The editing phase requires a sense of “correctness”.  You begin to sharpen your lines and erase those smudge marks to make everything nice and neat. This can be compared to the moment before you hit that submit button on compass. You want to make sure everything is correct and free of errors.
  5. The publishing phase, the last and final stage. This step is the easiest, yet most nerve- wrecking because you want your art to be audience ready and perfect. When you finish writing your paper, you want your paper to be ready to grade and polished. You want to try to avoid forgetting to put your name or easy to fix grammatical errors.

The writing and drawing process are one in the same. Both require time and patience to ensure perfection ;).

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