How to Leverage Your Undergraduate Research Experience to Advance Your Career

Student in an industrial lab setting with instruments and guages

During the Experience

Undergraduate research can jump start your career, but only if you make the most of the experience.

Ask questions: As an undergraduate researcher, everyone will know that you are still learning. It is much better to ask questions and clarify procedures than to do something in an unsafe way or to misuse materials. Mistakes can happen, so make sure to tell mentors when they occur, but asking questions can decrease mistakes that could be avoided.

Make a good impression: Undergraduate research can forge mentoring relationships and expand your network in ways that will advance your goals. But that will only happen if you impress your mentors. Commitment, communication, and asking questions will help you make a good impression. Work ethic, enthusiasm, and team spirit will also go a long way.

Commit to the experience: When accepting a position, make sure to have a clear and open discussion about the expectations of your mentor. Now is the time to discuss any concerns and to find a schedule that works best for everyone.

Communicate: Time conflicts sometimes arise — that is just the way life is and your mentors will understand that. But it is important let them know what is going on. The research group is investing in you and is counting on your contributions, so disappearing can be a disaster. It is important to be open about changes in availability, even if those conversations can be difficult.

Student standing by windows

After the Experience

Maximize the impact: Undergraduate research can open doors to new opportunities, but it is important to maximize its impact.

Reflect: Take some time to reflect on your experience — What did you like best? What new possibilities would you like to explore? What did you learn in this experience that can help you take the next step?

Stay in touch: Mentors will be happy to hear from you and they are great contacts for finding and securing the next opportunity. Even if you just send an email saying thank you and then an email with updates every few months, you can keep the connection strong. Also make sure to connect with mentors on LinkedIn.

Update your resume: Speak with Career Services to add this experience to your work history. Include a list of technical and soft skills you gained.

Update your LinkedIn: Speak with Career Services to create and update your profile on LinkedIn.

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