There are several college-level and campus-level programs that support undergraduates and their research mentors.
The College of ACES Office of Academic Programs provides research, travel, and publishing support for ACES students engaging in research in ACES (eligibility requirements apply).
The College of ACES Office of International Programs provides funding for ACES undergraduates working with ACES faculty on projects related to global food security through the ACES Global Food Security Interns Program.
The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) has many resources and programs to support undergraduate research. These include workshops, community, and a certificate for undergraduates. OUR also runs the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program for undergraduates and graduate student mentors and an undergraduate research week and symposium for undergraduates to practice scientific communication. There are also opportunities for graduate students and faculty to post open positions through this centralized service. In addition, OUR provides financial support opportunities for undergraduates to conduct research or attend conferences.
Graduate student mentors can obtain training and an additional credential through the Graduate College Mentoring Certificate program.
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