JUNE 29-JULY 1, 2015
Preliminary Program
Monday, 29 June 2015
15-17 pm Registration and welcome: Antony Augoustakis and Stacie Raucci
17–18:30 Session 1: The New Hercules Chair: Stacie Raucci
17–17:30 Jon Solomon (University of llinois, USA)
Hercules and the Millennial Generation
17:30–18 Emma Stafford (University of Leeds, UK)
Hercules: A Hero for the 2010s?
18–18:30 Osman Umurhan (University of New Mexico, USA)
The Hero’s Reputation, Politics, and Hercules (2014)
18:30–19 Reception
19-20 Keynote Address: Monica Cyrino (University of New Mexico, USA)
Maximal Projections:
Screening the New Heroes of NOAH (2014) and EXODUS (2014)
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
9–10.30 Session 2: Roman Heroes Chair: Dan Curley
9–9.30 Anna Foka (Umea University, Sweden)
The Digital Turn: Heroes of the Arena in Film
9.30–10 Hunter Gardner (University of South Carolina, USA)
Divergent Heroism in Neil Marshall’s Centurion (2010)
10–10.30 Kirsten Day (Augustana College, USA)
Aeneas in the Old West: Virgil’s Hero in Western Film
10.30–11 Coffee Break
11–13 Session 3: New Heroism I Chair: Monica Cyrino
11–11.30 Angeline Chiu (University of Vermont, USA)
I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends:
The Roles of Heroic Companions in Hercules (2014)
11.30–12 Meredith Safran (Trinity College, USA)
The New Herakles? Savior, Sacrifice, and Masculinity
in CW’s Supernatural (2005-2015)
12–12.30 Alastair Blanshard (The University of Queensland, Australia)
‘Pain for which there ain’t no ointment’:
Philoctetes and the Problematics of Reception in Disney’s Hercules (1997)
12.30–13 Dan Curley (Skidmore College, USA)
The Hero in a Thousand Pieces:
The Monomyth in Recent Classical Cinema
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
9–11 Session 4: New Heroism II Chair: Emma Stafford
9–9.30 Lisa Maurice (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Saviours, Six-Packs and Sensitivity:
The Hero of Greek Mythology on the Contemporary Screen
9.30–10 Margaret Toscano (University of Utah, USA)
The Immortality of Theseus and his Myth
10–10.30 Amanda Potter (Open University, UK)
Jason in BBC Atlantis, An Ancient Greek Hero
for 21st Century (British) Audience?
10.30–11 Eran Almagor (Independent Scholar)
The Heroic Feat of Describing the Life of a Hero:
The Alexanders of Plutarch and Oliver Stone
11–11.30 Coffee Break
11.30–13 Session 5: The Many Faces of Heroism Chair: Osman Umurhan
11.30–12 Vince Tomasso (Ripon College, USA)
9/11 Anxieties and Ancient Heroes on Film
12–12.30 Alex McAuley (McGill University, Canada)
Hollywood’s Flawed Heroes: The Biopic as a laudatio funebris
12.30–13 Filippo Carla (University of Exeter, uk)
The Ancient Hero in the Theme Park