Feature Documentation: Inline Formatting and Styling

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OneNet Text Editor  UI


Accessible “Inline Formatting and Styling” Features

Font formatting/styling options should be made available in a secondary area, since in most cases there are better choices (e.g. headings instead of bold where appropriate).

The only supported text formatting is:

Make these hard to use in particular, because people abuse them:

  • Provide means of formatting selected text as bold (strong).
  • Provide means of formatting selected text as italic (em).
  • Provide means of formatting current paragraph as bock quote (blockquote).

These are okay to let people get to more easily because they are less likely to be used as stand-ins for better, semantic markup:

  • Provide means of formatting selected text as subscript (sub).
  • Provide means of formatting selected text as superscript (super).
  • Provide means of formatting selected text as struck text (strike).
  • Provide means of formatting selected text as inserted text (insert).
  • Provide means of inserting line break (shift + enter) (note, other rules in this document forbid consecutive <br>s).
  • Provide means of inserting horizontal rule (hr).
  • Provide means of converting selected text to lower case/sentence case/title case/upper case. [For discussion: several of these cases are very difficult to do well, so I think if we do this, it should be limited to convert to all upper case or all lower case. BUT, we may want to add a “suspicious capitalization” to our checks, asking users if it is meant to be read as an acronym or similar, as well as a spell check, since this causes headaches.]
  • Provide a means for adjusting margins/padding on (some?) elements

A11y First Editor UI