Feature Documentation: List

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OneNet Text Editor  UI

list options

Accessible “List” Features

Requirement Type Priority
Provide an obvious means of formatting current block of text as list/list item N/A High
Provide means of selecting list style type: disc bullets, circle bullets, decimal, upper-alpha, lower-alpha, upper-roman, lower-roman. Custom bullets: including no bullets and custom bullets (CSS implementation considerations–possibly a combination of inline styling so it works out of the box, and a class for template-based overriding) High
Provide a means of inserting, promoting, and demoting nested lists (plus sanity checks/cleanup–no double indenting a nested list, no promoting above root level ul/ol). Must be done using nested lists, not CSS padding/margins High
When user enters 3 (2?) or more paragraphs that appear to be a list (prefixed with *, o, 1, – , etc.), automatically format as a list. Look at markdown and wikimedia approaches Real Time High
Provide “list check” showing items that appear to be formatted as lists and provide means of selecting an appropriate list format (same checks as previous requirement) Manual Check High
Provide obvious help/instruction on why and how to use lists High
Provide a way of creating a paragraph within a list item. (May want a keyboard shortcut like OneNet, CTRL+Enter) Medium
Ability to change the initial number on an ordered list Medium
Ability by admins to configure the order of ordinal list indicators (1,2,3… I, II, III…, A, B, C, etc) Low