Metaphor of My Writing Life: Evolution of Art

Writing is like a kind of art that you do not feel it the minute you see it, but you will be affected as you read it through. However, just like playing instruments, it takes practice and thoughts.

Starts with reading, learn how to read notes and nomenclatures is the very first step, just like every reading starts from reading other people’s writing. You want to figure out how to play beautiful music according to the notes.7478315740_03d2431a72_b

Then you will have to apply what you know from the notes to actually how to play, and practice to master this skill. Like writing, you read other people’s writing to learn the basic rules as well as to broaden your horizon, and  then learn how to apply it to your own work.


Then you want to practice and learn more new techniques, like how to improve the speed, and how to make your music sounds more affective to the audiences. Like in the writing, we know how to use the correct grammar and format, but we want to make our stories more appealing and interesting, so that people are willing to read it through.


When you have mastered all the skills above, the most important thing for a musician is to devote your own emotion into your work, write and play your own music based on your understanding of beauty. Just like writing that writers learn to express their emotion to audiences to affect others who have the same feelings.imgres

You may meet a lot of difficulties when you are playing your own music. You maybe tired of playing it over and over again but not making any progress. Like writing, you may also experience the “writer’s block”, but the best way to solve this problem is to take it easy, and you may find the inspirations very soon.


Playing music and writing both take patience, hard work and inspirations, you will have to do it step by step. If you do not do well the first time, that is totally fine, but remember practice makes perfect.

you can do it phrase on blackboard

Although practicing and knowing the basic rules are important, never be limited by the common sense, explorations and adventures make miracles.