Selected Publications (from 2013)
- Y. Li, R. T. Tan, X. Guo, J. Lu, and M. S. Brown, “Single Image Rain Streak Separation Using Layer Priors,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), 2017.
- K. Lin, N. Jiang, S. Liu, L.-F. Cheong, M. N. Do, and J. Lu, “Direct Photometric Alignment by Mesh Deformation,” IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Honolulu, HI, Jul. 2017.
- K. R. Jerripothula, J. Cai, J. Lu, and J. Yuan, “Object Co-skeletonization with Co-segmentation,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Honolulu, HI, Jul. 2017.
- W.-Y. Lin, F. Wang, M. Cheng, S.-K. Yeung, P. Torr, M. N. Do, and J. Lu, “CODE: Coherence Based Decision Boundaries for Feature Correspondence,” IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2016, to appear.
- J. Lu, Y. Li, H. Yang, D. Min, W. Eng, and M. N. Do, “PatchMatch Filter: Edge-Aware Filtering Meets Randomized Search for Correspondence Field Estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2016, to appear.
- R. Pahwa, J. Lu, N. Jiang, T.-T. Ng, and M. N. Do, “Locating 3D Object Proposals: A Depth-Based Online Approach,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2016, to appear.
- Y. Zhang, L. Cheng, J. Wu, J. Cai, M. N. Do, and J. Lu, “Action Recognition in Still Images with Minimum Annotation Efforts,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 5479-5490, Nov. 2016.
- Y. Li, D. Min, M. N. Do, and J. Lu, “Fast Guided Global Interpolation for Depth and Motion,” European Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV), Amsterdam, Oct. 2016. (Spotlight presentation)
- W.-Y. Lin, S. Liu, N. Jiang, M. N. Do, P. Tan, and J. Lu, “RepMatch: Robust Feature Matching and Pose for Reconstructing Modern Cities,” European Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV), Amsterdam, Oct. 2016.
- K. Lin, N. Jiang, L.-F. Cheong, M. N. Do, and J. Lu, “SEAGULL: Seam-Guided Local Alignment for Parallax-Tolerant Image Stitching,” European Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV), Amsterdam, Oct. 2016.
- H. Zhu, J. Lu, J. Cai, J. Zheng, S. Lu and N. Thalmann, “Multiple Human Identification and Cosegmentation: A Human-Oriented CRF Approach with Poselets,” IEEE Trans. on Multimedia (TMM), vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 1516-1530, Aug. 2016.
- Y. Li, R. T. Tan, X. Guo, J. Lu, and M. S. Brown, “Rain Streak Removal Using Layer Priors,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Las Vegas, NV, Jun. 2016.
- Y. Zhang, X.-S. Wei, J. Wu, J. Cai, J. Lu, V. Nguyen, and M. N. Do, “Weakly Supervised Fine-Grained Categorization with Part-Based Image Representation,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1713-1725, Apr. 2016.
- Y. Li, D. Min, M. S. Brown, M. N. Do, and J. Lu, “SPM-BP: Sped-up PatchMatch Belief Propagation for Continuous MRFs,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision (ICCV), Santiago, Chile, Dec. 2015. (Oral presentation)
- K. Wang, L. Lin, J. Lu, C. Li, and K. Shi, “PISA: Pixelwise Image Saliency by Aggregating Complimentary Appearance Contrast Measures with Edge-Preserving Coherence,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 3019-3033, Oct. 2015.
- N.-J. Jiang, W.-Y. Lin, M. N. Do, and J. Lu, “Direct Structure Estimation for 3D Reconstruction,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Boston, MA, Jun. 2015.
- V. Nguyen, J. Lu, S. Zhao, D. Vu, H. Yang, D. Jones, and M. N. Do, “ITEM: Immersive Telepresence for Entertainment and Meetings – A Practical Approach,” IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP), Special Issue on Interactive Media Processing for Immersive Communication, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 546-561, Apr. 2015. [pdf]
- D. Min, S. Choi, J. Lu, B. Ham, K. Sohn, and M. N. Do, “Fast Global Image Smoothing Based on Weighted Least Squares,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), 2014.
- V. Nguyen, J. Lu, S. Zhao, D. Jones, and M. N. Do, “Tele-immersive Audio-Visual Communication Using Commodity Hardware,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM), Nov. 2014. [pdf]
- D. Vu, B. Chidester, H. Yang, M. N. Do, and J. Lu, “Efficient Hybrid Tree-Based Stereo Matching with Applications to Post-Capture Image Refocusing,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 3428-3442, Aug. 2014.
- B. Ham, D. Min, C. Oh, M. N. Do, and K. Sohn, “Probability-Based Rendering with Steady-State Matching Probability Density Function,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 870-884, Feb. 2014.
- W.-Y. Lin, M. Cheng, J. Lu, H. Yang, M. N. Do, and P. H. S. Torr, “Bilateral Functions for Global Motion Modeling,” in Proc. Eur. Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV), Zurich, Switzerland, Sep. 2014.
- H. Yang, W.-Y. Lin, and J. Lu, “Daisy Filter Flow: A Generalized Discrete Approach to Dense Correspondences,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Columbus, Ohio, Jun. 2014.
- H. Zhu, J. Lu, J. Cai, J. Zheng, and N. Thalmann, “Multiple Foreground Recognition and Cosegmentation: An Object-Oriented CRF Model with Robust Higher-Order Potentials,” IEEE Winter conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2014.
- D. Min, J. Lu, and M. N. Do, “Joint histogram based cost aggregation for stereo matching,” IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 2539-2545, Oct. 2013.
- V. A. Nguyen, D. Min, and M. N. Do, “Efficient Techniques for Depth Video Compression Using Weighted Mode Filtering,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 189-202, Feb. 2013.
- N.-J. Jiang, Z.-P. Cui and P. Tan, “A Global Linear Method for Camera Pose Registration”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Dec. 2013. (Oral presentation)
- W.-Y. Lin, M.-M. Cheng, S. Zheng, J. Lu, and N. Crook, “Robust Non-parametric Data Fitting for Correspondence Modeling,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Dec. 2013.
- J. Lu, H. Yang, D. Min, and M. N. Do, “PatchMatch Filter: Efficient Edge-Aware Filtering Meets Randomized Search for Fast Correspondence Field Estimation,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Jun. 2013. (Oral presentation)
- K. Shi, K. Wang, J. Lu, and L. Lin, “PISA: Pixelwise Image Saliency by Aggregating Complementary Appearance Contrast Measures with Spatial Priors,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Portland, Oregon, Jun. 2013.
- V.-A. Nguyen, S. Zhao, T. D. Vu, D. Jones, and M. N. Do, “Spatialized Audio Multiparty Teleconferencing with Commodity Miniature Microphone Array,” ACM Int. Conf. Multimedia (MM), 2013.
- V.-A. Nguyen and M. N. Do, “Model-Based Complexity-Aware Coding for Multiview Video Plus Depth,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), 2013.
* More paper (or project) links can be found under Research.
Conference Tutorials
- J. Lu, D. Min, and M. N. Do, “Discontinuities-Preserving Image and Motion Coherence: Computational Models and Applications,” Half-day tutorial in IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, Mar. 2016. (Tutorial website:
- D. Min, W.-Y. Lin, J. Lu, and M. N. Do, “Visual Correspondences: Taxonomy, Modern Approaches and Ubiquitous Applications,” Half-day tutorial in IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Torino, Italy, Jun. 2015. (Tutorial website:
- J. Lu, D. Min, and M. N. Do, “Image Filtering 2.0: Efficient Edge-Aware Filtering and Their Applications,” Half-day tutorial in the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2013 (Tutorial website: