Writing is like traveling.
We find ourselves in places and situations where we feel lost, confused, lonely, and happy traveling and while writing. As a person who loves to travel I can say that there have been times where I have been lost.
For example, one year I went to California by myself for a school event and had to get around in a place I knew nothing about. I was lost and know where I was so I had to use maps, and ask questions. This is just like writing because sometimes I find myself lost in an assignment, thinking about what it is I am being asked of, and I can solve that problem just like I would if I were traveling, I could simply ask for help.
The first time I went to France was with my family in the summer of 2013. It was an amazing experience for the four of us, my dad, mom, sister and me. When we first arrived my sister and I thought it would be easy to set off on our own adventures until we hit the language barrier. We didn’t know how difficult it was really going to be until we went to ask for the bathroom, but didn’t understand what they were saying. We were so confused that we began to act out going to the bathroom until we all understood each other. This confusion is also found when writing. When I was writing my Research paper I was finding information I couldn’t understand and I was so confused because I couldn’t understand the words or what the article was saying. I tried to figure it out by asking some friends, and I even tried to translate it myself. I did everything possible so that I wouldn’t be confused anymore, and luckily it worked.
After being lost and confused while traveling I always find myself feeling infinitely happy, just like when I finish a great paper!
The song that goes great with this metaphor would be Paradise by Coldplay