Research Projects

Current and Recently Completed Projects

Quantifying the Distribution of Biotic & Abiotic Transformation Rate Constants in Low
Permeability Clay Zones for Improved Assessment of TCE Impacts to Groundwater at DoD Field Sites  Sponsored by the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Partnership (SERDP) — Current Project

PI: C.J. Werth (Univ Texas); co-PIs: A.J. Valocchi, R. Sanford (Univ Illinois),  C. Schaefer (CB&I Federal Services)

Biogeochemical Processes that Control Natural Attenuation of Trichloroethylene in Low Permeability Zones Sponsored by the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Partnership (SERDP)

PI: C.J. Werth (Univ Texas); co-PIs: A.J. Valocchi, R. Sanford (Univ Illinois), T. Strathmann (Col. School of Mines), C. Schaefer (CB&I Federal Services), M. Elsner, (Helmholtz Center Munich), O. Shouakar-Stash   (Univ of Waterloo)

Illinois Center for Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide  Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science

PI:  S. Frailey (Illinois State Geological Survey); Partners: University of Illinois, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Geology; University of Texas; University of Notre Dame; Wright State Univ.; University of Southern California; Schlumberger; Norstar; SINTEF  

Microbiological-enhanced mixing across scales during in-situ bioreduction of metals and radionuclides at Department of Energy Sites  Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Subsurface Biogeochemical Research Program

Co-PIs: C. J. Werth (Univ Texas), R. Sanford, Wen-Tso Liu, (Univ. of Illinois) Kalyana Nakshatrala, (Univ of Houston)

 Collaborators— Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL):Mart Oostrom, Changyong Zhang, Scientist III, Chemical & Materials Sciences Division 

Predicting the Movement of Subsurface Contaminants Using Massively Parallel, Multiscale, Multiphase, Multicomponent Reactive Flow Codes Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, SciDAC – Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing

Collaborators: Dr. Peter Lichtner (PI—Los Alamos); J.D. Moulton, M. Pernice, B. Phillips (Los Alamos), R.T. Mills (Oak Ridge); G. Hammond, S. Yabusaki (Pacific Northwest  National Laboratory), B. Smith (Argonne National Laboratory

Integrated Experimentation and Hybrid Modeling for Prediction and Control of Multi-Phase Flow and Reaction in CO2 Injection and Storage Sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory  Collaborators: C. Werth (Illinois)  J. William Carey(PI),  Amr Abdel-Fattah; Scott Backhaus; Qinjun Kang; Peter Lichtner; Dave Moulton; Yusheng Zhao (LANL)Dorthe Wildenschild, Oregon State

Improving Prediction of Subsurface Flow and Transport through Exploratory Data Analysis and Complementary Modeling Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Hydrologic Sciences Program

Collaborators: Prof.Eyal Amir  (co-PI—Dept Computer Science)

Coupling Hydrologic, Economic, and Social Network Models to Improve Understanding of Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions for Protection of Instream Flows Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Coupled Natural-Human Systems Program 

Collaborators: Profs. Nick Brozovic (PI—Dept of Ag & Consumer Economics), Ximing Cai, John Braden (Dept. of Ag & Consumer Economics),  Stephen Gasteyer  (Dept. of Human and Community Development)