- Valocchi, A.J., R.L. Street, P.V. Roberts, and G.A. Parks, Transport of ion-exchanging solutes in groundwater, Proc. National Conf. on Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 479-487, 1979.
- Eheart, J.W. and A.J. Valocchi, Multicriteria Management of Groundwater Quality under Uncertainty, Research Report 201, University of Illinois Water Resources Center, Urbana, IL, 1986.
- Valocchi, A.J., Nonequilibrium adsorption phenomena during reactive solute transport through heterogeneous aquifers: Simple stratified systems, pp. 63-69 in Proceedings of the International Conference, Impact of Physicochemistry on the Study, Design, and Optimization of Processes in Natural Porous Media,Nancy,France, June 10-12, 1987.
- Valocchi, A.J. and J.W. Eheart, Incorporating parameter uncertainty into groundwater quality management models, pp. 251-257 in Systems Analysis in Water Quality Management, M. B. Beck, ed., Pergamon Press,Oxford, 1987.
- Valocchi, A.J., G.A. Peterson, and O. Elnawawy, Modeling sorbing solute transport through heterogeneous aquifers on a supercomputer, pp. 1400-1412 in Proceedings of the NWWA Conference on Solving Ground Water Problems with Models,Denver,Colorado, Feb. 10-12, 1987.
- Valocchi, A.J. and B.L. Herzog, Mathematical modeling of the transport of pollutants from hazardous waste landfills, pp. 153-164 in Land Disposal of Hazardous Wastes: Engineering and Environmental Issues, J.R. Gronow, A.N. Schofield and R.K. Jain, eds., Ellis Horwood, Ltd., Chichester, England, 1988.
- Elnawawy, O.A., A.J. Valocchi, and A.M. Ougouag, The cell analytical-numerical method for solution of the two-dimensional advection-dispersion equation, pp. 21-26 in Computational Methods in Water Resources, Vol. 2. Numerical Methods for Transport and Hydrologic Processes, M.A. Celia, et al., eds., Elsevier,Amsterdam, 1988.
- Rittmann, B.E., A.J. Valocchi, J.E. Odencrantz, and W. Bae, In Situ Bioreclamation of Contaminated Groundwater, Research Report No. 031, Illinois Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center, Savoy, IL, and Research Report No. 209, University of Illinois Water Resources Center, Urbana, IL, 1988.
- Valocchi, A.J. and H.A.M. Quinodoz, Application of the random walk method to simulate the transport of kinetically adsorbing solutes, pp. 35-42 in Groundwater Contamination, L.M. Abriola, ed., IAHS Publ. No. 185, 1989.
- Elnawawy, O.A. and A.J. Valocchi, The cell analytical-numerical method for solution of the three-dimensional advection-dispersion equation, pp. 87-110 in Proceedings of the NWWA Conference on Solving Ground Water Problems with Models, Indianapolis, Indiana, Feb. 7-9, 1989.
- Meyer, P.D., R. Ranjithan, A.J. Valocchi, and J.W. Eheart, Groundwater monitoring network design using coupled Monte Carlo simulation and optimization, pp. 404-409 in Proceedings of the 1989 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, M.A. Ports, ed., ASCE,New York, 1989.
- Valocchi, A.J., Numerical simulation of the transport of adsorbing solutes in heterogeneous aquifers, pp. 373-382 in Computational Methods in Subsurface Hydrology, G. Gambolati, et al., eds., Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, 1990.
- Meyer, P.D., J.W. Eheart, R.S. Ranjithan, and A.J. Valocchi, Design of groundwater monitoring networks for landfills, pp. 263-274 in Proceedings of the 1990 National Solid Waste Forum on Integrated Municipal Waste Management, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 16-18, 1990.
- Odencrantz, J.E., A.J. Valocchi, and B.E. Rittmann, Modeling two-dimensional solute transport with different biodegradation kinetics, pp. 355-368 in Proceedings of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Restoration,Houston,Texas, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 1990.
- Quinodoz, H.A.M. and A.J. Valocchi, Macrodispersion in heterogeneous aquifers: Numerical experiments, pp. 455-468 in Transport and Mass Exchange Processes in Sand and Gravel Aquifers: Field and Modeling Studies, edited by G. Moltyaner, Proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop, Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 1-4, 1990.
- Bellin, A., A.J. Valocchi, and A. Rinaldo, Double Peak Formation in Reactive Solute Transport in One-Dimensional Heterogeneous Porous Media, Quaderni del Dipartimento, IDR 1/1991, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale, Università degli Studi di Trento, 1991.
- Valocchi, A.J. and H.A.M. Quinodoz, Impact of small-scale variability upon the transport of reactive contaminants, pp. 355-380, in Fate and Transport of Pollutants in Soils and Subsoils, D. Petruzzelli and F.G. Helfferich, eds., Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
- Valocchi, A.J., J.E. Odencrantz, and B.E. Rittmann, Computational Studies of the Transport of Reactive Solutes: Interaction Between Adsorption and Biotransfor-mation, pp. 1845-1852 in Advances in Hydroscience, Vol. I, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering, edited by S.S.Y. Wang, Washington, D.C., June 7-11, 1993.
- Odencrantz, J.E., A.J. Valocchi, and B.E. Rittmann, Modeling the Interaction of Sorption and Biodegradation on Transport in Ground Water In Situ Bioremediation Systems, pp. 2-3 – 2-12 in Proceedings of the 1993 Groundwater Modeling Conference, edited by E. Poeter, S. Ashlock, and J. Proud, Golden, Colorado, June 9-12, 1993.
- Seagren, E.A., B.E. Rittmann, and A.J. Valocchi, Comparative abilities of flushing and in situ bioremediation to accelerate NAPL dissolution, WEFTEC ’94, the 67th Annual Conference of the Water Environment Federation, Chicago, IL, Oct. 15-19, 1994.
- Storck, P., A. J. Valocchi, and J. W. Eheart, Optimal Locations of Monitoring Wells for Detection of Groundwater Contamination in Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Aquifer, pp. 39-47 in Models for Assessing and Monitoring Groundwater Quality, B.J. Wagner, et al., eds., IAHS Publ. No. 227, 1995.
- Oya, S., and A.J. Valocchi. Analytical approximation of contaminant removal for modeling in situ bioremediation, in Papers from the Fourth International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, April 28 – May 1, 1997. Volume 5, pp. 571-576, Battelle Press,Columbus,OH.
- Mahinthakumar, G., F. Saied, and A. J. Valocchi, Comparison of some parallel krylov solvers for large scale contaminant transport simulations, High Performance Computing 1997 (Editor: A. M. Tentner), Proceedings of the 1997 Simulation Multiconference, p. 134-139, Atlanta, GA, Apr 6-10, 1997.
- Tebes-Stevens, C. and A.J. Valocchi. Numerical Solution Techniques for Reaction Parameter Sensitivity Coefficients in Multicomponent Subsurface Transport Models, UIUL-ENG-98-2009, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,UniversityofIllinois, September, 1998.
- Ball, W.P., M.N. Goltz, P.V. Roberts, A.J. Valocchi, and M.L. Brusseau, Comment on “Field-scale transport of nonpolar organics in 3D heterogeneous aquifers,” Environ. Sci. Tech., 32(17), 2654-2655, 1998.
- Reed, P., B. S. Minsker and A. J. Valocchi, Cost-effective long-term monitoring design for intrinsic bioremediation, Proceedings of the 5th International In Situ and On-site Bioremediation Symposium, San Diego, CA, edited by B.C. Alleman and A. Leeson, pp.301-306, April 19-22,1999.
- Reed, Patrick, B. S. Minsker, and A. Valocchi, Cost-effective long-term monitoring design for intrinsic bioremediation, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference (ISBN 0-7844-0430-5), Tempe, AZ, ed. Erin M. Wilson, Session 2b: Natural Attenuation Management Issues, ASCE, Washington, DC, 1999
- Reed, P. M., B. S. Minsker, A. J. Valocchi, and D.E. Goldberg, Efficient use of a genetic algorithm for long-term groundwater monitoring design, Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam (ISBN 90-5809-123-6), 573-577, 2000.
- Reed, P. M., B. S. Minsker, and A. J. Valocchi, A multiobjective approach to long-term groundwater monitoring design, Proceedings of the ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management and Water Resources Engineering Joint Conference (ISBN 0-7844-0517-4), Session: Groundwater Management Modeling, Minneapolis, MN, ed. Rollin H. Hotchkiss and Michael Glade, 2000.
- Reed, P. M., B. S. Minsker, and A. J. Valocchi, ”Why optimize long term groundwater monitoring design? A multiobjective case study of Hill Air Force Base,” Bridging the Gap: Meeting the World’s Water and Environmental Resources Challenges, Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress (ISBN 0-7844-0569-7), Orlando, FL, ed. Don Phelps and Gerald Sehlke, American Society of Civil Engineers, Washington, DC, 2001.
- Viswanathan, H. and A.J. Valocchi, Comparison of streamtube and three-dimensional models of reactive transport in heterogeneous media, Proceedings of the International Groundwater Symposium, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, March 25-28, 2002.
- Reed, P., B. S. Minsker, and A. J. Valocchi, Discovery & Negotiation using Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms: A Case Study in Groundwater Monitoring Design, Proceedings of Hydroinformatics 2002, Cardiff, UK, 2002.
- Reed, P., B. S. Minsker, and A. J. Valocchi, Walking the Tightrope: Long Term Monitoring Design for Multiple Objectives, Proceedings of the Environmental & Water Resources Systems Analysis (EWRSA) Symposium, 2002 EWRI Planning & Management Council Meeting, Roanoke, Virginia, USA, 2002.
- Hammond, G.E., A.J. Valocchi, and P.C. Lichtner, Modeling multicomponent reactive transport on parallel computers using Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov with operator-split preconditioning, pp. 727-734 in Developments in Water Science, 47, Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources,Delft, The Netherlands, edited by S.M. Hassanizadeh, R.J. Schotting, W.G. Gray and G.F. Pinder, Elsevier,Amsterdam, 2002.
- Valocchi, A.J. and C.J. Werth, Enhancing student understanding of reactive pollutant fate and transport using web-based interactive simulation, pp. 1787-1794 in Developments in Water Science, 47, Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Delft, The Netherlands, edited by S.M. Hassanizadeh, R.J. Schotting, W.G. Gray and G.F. Pinder, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002.
- Herrera, P. and A.J. Valocchi, Positive solution of two-dimensional solute transport in aquifer, pp. 229-233 in Proceedings of Modflow and More 2003: Understanding through Modeling,InternationalGroundWaterModelingCenter,2003
- Willingham, T.W., C.J.Werth, A.J. Valocchi, I.G. Krapac, C. Toupiol, T.D. Stark, and D.E. Daniel, Tracer transport through a field-scale compacted clay liner over a 12 year period, Proceedings, 8th Annual Landfill Symposium &Sold Waste Managers:Trends and Challenges ConferenceSWANA, June 16-20, Atlantic City NJ, 2003.
- Yoon, H., Valocchi, A.J., and Werth, C.W. Impact of spatially distributed nonaqueous phase liquid saturation and water content on soil vapor extraction in heterogeneous porous media, pp. 757-786, in Computational Methods in Water Resources XV, edited by C.T. Miller, M.W. Farthing, W.G. Gray, and G.F. Pinder, Elsevier, 2004.
- Knutson, C., Werth, C.W., Valocchi, A.J. and B.J. Travis, Modeling biofilm morphology along a transverse mixing zone in porous media at the pore scale, pp. 61-70 in Computational Methods in Water Resources XV, edited by C.T. Miller, M.W. Farthing, W.G. Gray, and G.F. Pinder, Elsevier, 2004.
- Walker, D.D., P. Cello, A.J. Valocchi, and B. Loftis, High-Throughput Computing for the Analysis of Tracer Tests in Fractured Aquifers, Contract Report 2006-04, Illinois State Water Survey, Center for Groundwater Science, Champaign, Illinois, 2006.
- Demissie, Y.K., Valocchi, A.J., Minsker, B.S. & Bailey, B.A. 2006. Data-driven modeling approach to enhance MODFLOW head predictions, pp. 51-55 in Proceedings of MODFLOW and More 2006: Managing Ground-Water Systems, v. 1, E. Poeter, M. Hill and C. Zheng (ed.),May 21-24, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO., 2006.
- Acharya, R., A.J. Valocchi, C.J. Werth, T. Willingham, Pore-scale simulation of dispersion and reaction along a transverse mixing zone in two-dimensional heterogeneous porous medium composed of randomly- sized, shaped and distributed circular and elliptical cylinders, in Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, edited by Philip J. Binning Peter K. Engesgaard, Helge K. Dahle, George F. Pinder and William G. Gray.Copenhagen,Denmark, June, 2006.
- Willingham, T., C.J. Werth, A.J. Valocchi, P. Grathwohl, Pore-Scale Evaluation of Enhanced Mixing within Preferential Transport Zones , in Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, edited by Philip J. Binning Peter K. Engesgaard, Helge K. Dahle, George F. Pinder and William G. Gray.Copenhagen,Denmark, June, 2006.
- Singh, A, B.S. Minsker, A.J. Valocchi, and D.D.Walker, Interactive Multi-objective Inverse Groundwater Modeling for the WIPP Site, in: World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2007 & Related Symposia, Tampa, FL. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI), 2007.
- Singh, A., B.S. Minsker, and A.J. Valocchi, An Interactive Multi-Objective Framework for Expert-Based Hydrologic Model Calibration, in: Proceedings for The 32nd Congress of IAHR, The International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research: Harmonizing the Demands of Art and Nature in Hydraulics, July1-6 2007,Venice,Italy, 2007.
- Demissie, Y.K., A.J. Valocchi, B.S. Minsker, and B.A. Bailey, Bias Corrected Groundwater Model Prediction Uncertainty Analysis, International Conference ModelCARE 2007, Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling, Credibility of Modeling, Copenhagen, Denmark, Sept. 9-13, 2007.
- Singh, A., D.D. Walker, B.S. Minsker, and A.J. Valocchi,Interactive Multi-Objective Inverse Groundwater Modelling–Incorporating Subjective Knowledge and Conceptual Uncertainty, In World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2007 & Related Symposia, Honolulu, HI. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI), 2008.
- Lin Y-F., J. Wang, and A. J. Valocchi, How to Estimate Groundwater Recharge and Discharge Maps in One Day: An ArcGIS 9.2 Application Development for Water Resources Research, Arc-User,Vol. 11, No. 1, p.32 – 35, January – March, 2008. http://www.esri.com/news/arcuser/0408/groundwater.html
- K. Nakshatrala and A.J. Valocchi, A Multiscale Finite Element Framework For Reactive Contaminant Transport In Heterogeneous Porous Media, IMECE2008-67395, Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2008 ASME Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition October 31 – November 6, 2008, Boston, USA.
- Valocchi, A.J., Review of “Bottlemania”, by Elizabeth Royte, Community Development, 40(1), 100-101, 2009.
- Valocchi, A.J., Y. Demissie, and T. Xu, “Improving Prediction of Regional-Scale Groundwater Flow Models through Exploratory Data Analysis and Complementary Modeling,” pp. 22-25 in MODFLOW and More 2011: Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, Conference Proceedings, Maxwell, Poeter, Hill, & Zheng (eds), June 5-8, 2011.
- Valocchi, A.J., and F. Yue, “Fully-Coupled Physically-Based Approach for Modeling Conventional andManaged Subsurface Drainage,” pp. 156-160 in MODFLOW and More 2011: Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, Conference Proceedings, Maxwell, Poeter, Hill, & Zheng (eds), June 5-8, 2011.
- Garcia-Cabrejo, O, and Albert Valocchi, Sensitivity analysis in numerical simulation of multiphase flow for CO2 storage in saline aquifers using the probabilistic collocation approach, CMWR2012: XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Illinois, June 17-21, 2012. http://cmwr2012.cee.illinois.edu
- Garcia-Cabrejo, O, and Albert Valocchi, Application of flux corrected transport for multicomponent reactive transport modeling, CMWR2012: XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Illinois, June 17-21, 2012. http://cmwr2012.cee.illinois.edu
- Xu, T, and A.J. Valocchi, Improving Groundwater Flow Model Prediction Using Complementary Data-Driven Models, CMWR2012: XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Illinois, June 17-21, 2012. http://cmwr2012.cee.illinois.edu
- Demissie, Y., Albert Valocchi, Ximing Cai, Nicholas Brozovic, Inverse Modeling for Estimating Parameters of Groundwater Models with Uncertain Forcing Data, CMWR2012: XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Illinois, June 17-21, 2012.http://cmwr2012.cee.illinois.edu
- Yoon, H., Yonas Demissie, Sean McKenna, Albert Valocchi, Charles Werth, Data worth and optimal sampling analyses to reduce model prediction uncertainty for groundwater transport, CMWR2012: XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Illinois, June 17-21, 2012. http://cmwr2012.cee.illinois.edu
- Nakshatrala, K., Albert Valocchi, Maruti Kumar Mudunuru, A novel computational framework for bimolecular diffusive-reactive systems, CMWR2012: XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Illinois, June 17-21, 2012. http://cmwr2012.cee.illinois.edu
- Liu, H. and A.J. Valocchi, Pore-scale simulations of gas displacing liquid in a pore network micromodel by the lattice Boltzmann method , CMWR2012: XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Illinois, June 17-21, 2012. http://cmwr2012.cee.illinois.edu