Professor Emeritus Al Valocchi
Al Valocchi’s Faculty Web Page
Al Valocchi’s Google Scholar Page
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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Water Resources Engineering and Science
Campus Address
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering MC-250
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
205 N. Mathews Ave.
Urbana IL 61801
Voice: (217) 333-3176
- Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Stanford University, 1981
- M.S., Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 1976
- B.S., Environmental Systems Engineering, Cornell University, 1975
- 2021-present, Abel Bliss Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois
- 2020-2021, Interim Head, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engr.
- 2004-2011, Associate Head and Director of Graduate Studies, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engr.
- 1992-2021, Professor
- 1986-1992, Associate Professor
- 1981-1986, Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Modeling the fate and transport of reactive contaminants in the subsurface environment; numerical methods; aquifer remediation; mathematical modeling applications in environmental and hydrological sciences.
Use dropdown menus on “Research Web Site” above.
Awards and Honors:
- Shell Faculty Career Fellow, 1984-1987
- NATO Fellow and Invited Professor, Summer School on Environmental Dynamics, Venice, 1990
- Danish Research Academy Visiting Professorship Fellowship, Institute of Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering Technical University of Denmark, March-September, 1993
- Invited Guest Instructor, Transport and Biodegradation in Heterogeneous Groundwater Aquifers, Advanced School/Ph.D. Course, Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, August 7-12, 2000.
- Collins Award for Innovative Teaching, University of Illinois, College of Engineering, 2002.
- University of Illinois Center for Advanced Study, Associate, 2003-2004
- Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 2009
- Abel Bliss Professorship, University of Illinois College of Engineering, 2011-
- Stanley H. Pierce Faculty Award, College of Engineering, 2013.
- Chi Epsilon Honor Member, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, 2013
- Graduate and Professional Teaching Award, University of Illinois, 2015
CEE 350 — Water Resources Engineering
CEE 457 — Groundwater
CE 557 — Modeling of Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport
Interactive Models for Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport