Re:Search Volume 5, Issue 1

Re:Search’s 5th issue is now live!

Congratulations to all authors and their faculty mentors on such great work this year.

If you’d like to read the journal yourself, check it out HERE

Thanks fo everyone for such a great year, and we can’t wait to see what the 2018-2019 year brings!

One Day Left to Submit Your Proposal!

If you’re planning to submit a proposal, keep in mind that the deadline is tomorrow by 11:59 pm! 

Here are resources to aid you in the submission process:

If you need a reminder of what to write for the proposal, click here for our official Call for Proposals 2017-18, where you can find all the information you need regarding the guidelines, deadline, and expectations.

If you’d like to look at some model proposals, click here or here to find examples that were accepted in the past.

If you’re ready to submit, click here for specific instructions on how to do so via the OJS system.

Don’t forget! The proposal deadline is Friday, November 10th, by 11:59 pm. Your proposal must be submitted by that time.

If you have any questions, please email Re:Search at

Submit Your Proposal!

The deadline to submit a proposal to Re:Search is only two days away!

Here are some resources to aid you in the writing and submission process.

If you need a reminder of what to write for the proposal, click here for our official Call for Proposals 2017-18, where you can find all the information you need regarding the guidelines, deadline, and expectations.

If you’d like to look at some model proposals, click here or here to find examples that were accepted in the past.

If you’re ready to submit, click here for specific instructions on how to do so via the OJS system.

Don’t forget! The proposal deadline is Friday, November 10th, by 11:59 pm. Your proposal must be submitted by that time.

If you have any questions, please email Re:Search at

Peer Reviewing Workshop

Re:Search is recruiting peer reviewers to look over and give comments on our submitted proposals!

This is a great experience for editing, giving feedback, and more! We appreciate everything our peer reviewers do and they are an integral part of the journal, as they give feedback to the executive board, who, after seeing this feedback, will decide which proposals to accept for the publication. 

If you are interested in acting as a peer reviewer, we will be holding a workshop this Wednesday, 11/8, at 5:00 in room 104 of the English Building. 

If you have any questions, feel free to email

See you Wednesday!

Submitting a Proposal

As we get closer to the proposal submission deadline, here are some resources to aid you in the writing and submission process.

If you need a reminder of what to write for the proposal, click here for our official Call for Proposals 2017-18, where you can find all the information you need regarding the guidelines, deadline, and expectations.

If you’d like to look at some model proposals, click here or here to find examples that were accepted in the past.

If you’re ready to submit, click here for specific instructions on how to do so via the OJS system.

Don’t forget! The proposal deadline is Friday, November 10th, by 11:59 pm. Your proposal must be submitted by that time.

If you have any questions, please email Re:Search at


If you are planning to submit a proposal…

Our OJS workshop and information session is TOMORROW at 5:15 in room 104 of the English Building! 

If you want so submit a proposal, it is highly recommended that you attend this meeting so you can see how to work OJS. Re:Search’s submission process is solely through this system, so it is important that you know how to properly submit.

Additionally, we ask that you bring your laptop to this meeting so that we can start to register you as an author to make the process even easier when you go to submit your proposal!

As always, if you cannot make it, that’s okay! All of the information regarding the submission process is on our website listed under resources, along with anything else you might need, including examples of sample proposals.

If you have any questions, as always, email us at

Second Information Session 10/25

We are happy to announce that Re:Search will be holding our second information session on Wednesday, 10/25 at 5:15 in room 104 of the English Building.

If you are planning to submit a proposal, it is highly recommended that you attend this session, as we will be going over the specifics of how to submit your proposal via OJS. If you have any specific questions regarding your proposal, now is the perfect time to ask as well!

If you cannot make it but are still planning to submit, email and we can help to navigate you through the submission process if there is any confusion.

Additionally, if you are interested in acting as a peer reviewer for us, we will be going over the basics of peer reviewing on Wednesday; however, there will be a workshop specifically dedicated to the peer review process, so be on the lookout for that.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

Re:Search Office Hours!

Want to submit a proposal but are unsure how to go about it?

Have questions about the proposal itself?

Want to get involved with Re:Search?

Come to our office hours, TODAY at Espresso Royale on 6th and Daniel from 3-5 to have all of your questions answered regarding proposals, the journal, and more!

We hope to see you there!


Submit to Re:Search!


Re:Search is looking for authors for our FIFTH publication! If you’re interested in literary, media, or cultural criticism, submit a proposal to Re:Search by November 10th. This is an exciting time for the journal, and we’re hopeful that this will be the best publication yet! Below is a poster with some general information as well as a document containing all of the specifics regarding submitting a proposal to the journal.

Read our full call for proposals here

Have questions? Email

We look forward to seeing your submissions!