So you’re done eating pounds of turkey and wondering ‘well, what do I do now with all this time on my hands.’ The Undergrad’s got you covered with our extensive video game collection! Take some time to relax and play some games before coming back to studying. Here’s just some of the games that we have available right before the break.
Rock Out with Elite Beat Agents

The Elite Beat Agents
System: DS/3DS
If you like the idea of being a secret agent and a rock star in one package, Elite Beat Agents is the game for you. In this music rhythm game, play through nineteen songs ranging from “Material Girl” by Madonna and “You’re the Inspiration” by Chicago. This is perfect for on the go play.
Prove yourself with Titanfall 2

System: Xbox One
Take a friend or annoying sibling and remind them you’re still the best when it comes to FPS. Choose between playing in your Titan or playing as just a tech heavy human in the Game Critics Award multiplayer game of the year for 2016.
Stop Egg Thieves in the Angry Birds Trilogy

Angry Birds Trilogy
System: Xbox 360
Play all three Angry Birds games in one with this console version of the addictive phone app. Show your friends you learned something about projectile physics all while taking on those nefarious pigs who are probably planning to steal your eggs.
Explore the World in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
System: WiiU
One of the current nominees for game of the year, 2017 is available for the upcoming break! The weather is starting to be chilly, the leaves aren’t so colorful anymore, but the beautiful world of Breath of the Wild can be seen while you’re drinking hot coffee and snuggling with a blanket indoors.
All of these and more are available at the Undergraduate Library right now, downstairs in the media collection space. Happy gaming!