One of our key events is hosting technical workshops for other students throughout the school year. Sessions are typically hosted by T&DI graduate students who will be sharing basic concepts of the topics as well as applications that they have found useful in their research.
Below is a list of the workshops offered in the past:
3D Printing Workshop
Date: April 7th, 2021 at 6:00 pm CST.
Description: This workshop is for people who are curious and new to 3D printing technology or who are looking at gaining introductory skills. You will learn to print your own objects at home or on campus. This practical workshop will cover the most common errors beginners make and will aim to provide simple and essential introductory information.
- To access the workshop recording, click here.
Advanced Python
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021
Description: This is the second session of a two-session workshop that introduces useful libraries such as numpy, scipy, pandas, and matplotlib, and demonstrates how to use them in research applications. The focus is on using Python to solve some typical problems, so prior experience in using basic Python is required.
- To access the workshop recording, click here.
Introduction to Python
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Description: This is the first of a two-session workshop intended to provide a brief introduction to Python and the use of some basic Python libraries for data manipulation and visualization. The second session will build upon the first session.
- To access the workshop recording, click here.
Advanced LaTeX
Date: March 18, 2021
Description: This workshop is a continuation of the Introduction to LaTeX workshop, and it introduces multiple useful packages to facilitate the writing process. There are working examples explaining how to create your own commands as well as how to use the packages titlesec, fancyhdr, amsmath, derivatives, delimset, and a brief introduction to Tikz.
- You can have access the workshop recording by clicking here.
- To follow along with the workshop, sign up for Overleaf.
- You can have access to the workshop documents here.
Introduction to LaTeX
Date: February 4th, 2021
Description: This workshop is intended to provide an introduction to LaTeX, a markup language commonly used for technical documents. We will cover the basics of using LaTeX to create formal documents, including structuring, packages, math typesetting, tables, and figures.
- You can have access the workshop recording by clicking here.
- You can download the presentation slides here.
- All the workshop examples and other materials can be accessed and copied here.
Introduction to LaTeX
Date: May be offered in Spring 2017
Description: This workshop is intended to provide an introduction to LaTeX, a markup language commonly used for technical documents. We will cover the basics of using LaTeX to create formal documents, including structuring, packages, math typesetting, tables, and figures.
Python: Introduction and Applications
Date: Tuesday, October 11 and 18
Time: 6:00-9:00pm
Location: Yeh Student Center Room 2312.
Description: This two-session workshop is intended to provide a brief introduction of Python as well as applications of Python and the use of Python libraries (e.g. matplotlib) for data manipulation and visualization. The second session will build upon the first session.
Introduction to LaTeX
Date: May be offered in Spring 2017
Description: This workshop is intended to provide an introduction to LaTeX, a markup language commonly used for technical documents. We will cover the basics of using LaTeX to create formal documents, including structuring, packages, math typesetting, tables, and figures.
Date: Saturday, February 27, 2016
Time: 8:30am – 12:00pm
Location: Newmark 1233
Description: This workshop is the first of two MATLAB sessions. The first workshop will cover basic skills of MATLAB including defining basic data structures, relational operations, plotting, functions, and control flows (e.g. if, while, for). The workshop assumes that participants have little or no experience with MATLAB.
Space is limited and registration is first-come, first-serve policy!
Intermediate MATLAB II
Date: Saturday, March 5, 2016
Time: 8:30am – 12:00pm
Location: Newmark 1233
Description: This workshop is the second of two MATLAB sessions. The second workshop will cover intermediate skills of MATLAB including advanced data structures, debugging, basic graphical user interface development, and possibly some toolboxes. The workshop assumes that participants have basic knowledge and experience with MATLAB.
Space is limited and registration is first-come, first-serve policy!
Excel Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced *Co-sponsored by GESO
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2016
Time: 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Location: Newmark 2311
Description: This workshop will be broken into three sessions: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. You are welcome to attend any number of sessions. Tentative topics to be covered in each session are below:
- Basic: statistical formulas, conditional formatting, charts, importing txt files
- Intermediate: useful formulas, pivot tables and charts, goal seek, data analysis toolkit and Solver add-ins
- Advanced: basic programming concepts, VBA, macros
Please see the tentative agenda for more information. Let us know you are coming here so that we can send you course materials before the workshop!