- Coşkun Kunduz, A., & Montrul, S. (in press). Input factors in the acquisition of evidentiality by Turkish heritage language children and adults in the United States. Language Acquisition.
- Fernández Cuenca, S., & Jegerski, J. (2023). A role for verb regularity in the L2 processing of the Spanish subjunctive mood: Evidence from eye-tracking. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 45(2): 318-347.
- Ionin, T., & Montrul, S. (2023). Second language acquisition: Introducing intervention research. Cambridge University Press.
- Jegerski, J., & Keating, G. (2023). Using self-paced reading in research with heritage speakers: A role for reading skill in the online processing of Spanish verb argument specifications. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
- Montrul, S. (2023). “Heritage languages: language acquired, language lost, language regained”. Annual Review of Linguistics, 9: 399-418.
- Regulez, B., & Montrul, S. (2023). “Production, acceptability, and online comprehension of Spanish differential object marking by heritage speakers and L2 learners”. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
- Wu, M., & Ionin, T. (2023). “The effect of input flooding and explicit instruction on L2 acquisition of English inverse scope”. Language Teaching Research.
- Chen, C., & Ionin, T. (2022). “Interpretation of Mandarin pronouns and reflexives by L1-Korean and L1-English learners of Mandarin”. Second Language Research.
- Coşkun Kunduz, A. (2022). Heritage Language Acquisition and Maintenance of Turkish in the United States: Challenges to Teaching Turkish as a Heritage Language. The Journal of Linguistics, 0(38), 41–60.
- Coşkun Kunduz, A., & Montrul, S. (2022). Sources of variability in the acquisition of Differential Object Marking by Turkish heritage language children in the United States. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 25(4), 603–616.
- Coşkun Kunduz, A., & Montrul, S. (2022). Relative clauses in child heritage speakers of Turkish in the United States. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism.
- Jegerski, J., & Fernández Cuenca, S. (2022). “Real-time psycholinguistic measures of communicative competence”. In Communicative Competence in a Second Language: Theory, Method, and Applications (pp. 1-226). Taylor and Francis.
- Landblom, S., & Ionin, T. (2022). “Nuclear accent placement in broad focus intransitives in native and non-native English: An investigation of syntactic and pragmatic factors”. Glossa, 7(1).
- Coşkun Kunduz, A., & Montrul, S. (2021). The L1 Acquisition of Evidentiality in Turkish: The Case of Older Children. Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Central Asian Language and Linguistics (ConCALL-4), 259–272.
- Ionin, T., Choi, S. and Liu, Q. (2021). “Knowledge of indefinite articles in L2-English: Online vs. offline performance”. Second Language Research, 37(1):121-160.
- Jegerski, J., (2021). The processing of case in intermediate L2 Spanish. In M. J. Leeser, G. D. Keating, & W. Wong (Eds.), Research in Second Language Processing and Processing Instruction: Studies in Honor of Bill VanPatten (pp.28-51). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Ionin, T., Choi, S. and Liu, Q. (in press). “What transfers (or doesn’t) in the second language acquisition of English articles by learners from article-less native languages?”. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, online first.
- Jegerski, J., & Sekerina, I. (2021). The psycholinguistics of heritage languages. In S. Montrul & M. Polinsky (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages and Linguistics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Choi, S. and Ionin, T. (2021). “Plural marking the second language: atomicity, definiteness and transfer.” Applied Psycholinguistics, online first.
- Wu, M.-J. and Ionin, T. (2021). “Does explicit instruction affect L2 linguistic competence? An examination with L2 acquisition of English inverse scope”. Second Language Research, online first.
- Ionin, T. and Díez-Bedmar, M.B. (2020). “Article use in Russian and Spanish learner writing at CEFR B1 and B2 levels: effects of proficiency, native language, and specificity”. In D.S.W. Le Bruyn & M. Paquot, Learner Corpus Research and SLA. Cambridge University Press.
- Jegerski, J., & Sekerina, I. A. (2020). The processing of input with differential object marking by heritage Spanish speakers. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 23(2), 274-282.
- Ionin, T. and Luchkina, T. (2019). “Scope, syntax and prosody in Russian as a second or heritage language”. In M. Cabrera and J. Camacho (Eds.), Exploring Interfaces: Lexicon, Syntax, Semantics and Sound. Cambridge University Press.
- Ionin, T. and Rispoli, M. (Eds.). (2019). Three Streams of Generative Language Acquisition Research: Selected Papers from the 7th Meeting of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – North America, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Language Acquisition and Language Disorders Series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Choi, S., Ionin, T. and Zhu, Y. (2018). “L1 Korean and L1 Mandarin L2 English learners’ acquisition of the count/mass distinction in English.” Second Language Research, vol. 34, pp. 147-177.
- Ionin, T. and Luchkina. T. (2018). “Focus on Russian scope: An experimental investigation of the relationship between quantifier scope, prosody, and information structure.” Linguistic Inquiry, 49(4).
- Jegerski, J. (2018). Sentence processing in Spanish as a heritage language: Relative clause attachment in early bilinguals. Language Learning, 68(3), 598-634.
- Jegerski, J. (2018). The processing of the object marker a by heritage Spanish speakers. International Journal of Bilingualism, 22(6), 585-602.
- Jegerski, J. (2018). Psycholinguistic perspectives on Spanish as a heritage language. In K. Potowski (Ed.), Routledge handbook of Spanish as a heritage/minority language (pp. 221-234). New York: Routledge.
- Montrul, S. (2017). Developmental continuity in morphosyntactic attrition. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 7, 6, 739-743.
- Shantz, K. (2017). Phrase frequency, proficiency and grammaticality interact in non-native processing: Implications for theories of SLA. Second Language Research 33(1), 91-118, doi: 10.1177/0267658316673403
- Montrul, S. (2016). Heritage language development. Connecting the dots. International Journal of Bilingualism. Online first DOI: 10.1177/1367006916654368
- Montrul, S. (2016). The Acquisition of Heritage Languages. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Montrul, S. (2016). Dominance and proficiency in second language acquisition and bilingualism. In C. Silva-Corvalán and J. Traffers-Dallers (eds.). Measuring Dominance in Bilingualism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 15-35.
- Ionin, T. (2015). Certain properties of certain indefinites: An experimental perspective. In L. Alonso-Ovalle & P. Menendez-Benito (Eds.), Epistemic Indefinites, pp. 183-210. Oxford University Press.
- Ionin, T., Grolla, E., Santos, H. and S. Montrul (2015). Bare NP interpretation in the acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese as a third language. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 5, 2, 214-250.
- Ionin, T., Grolla, E., Santos, H. and Montrul, S. (2015). “Interpretation of NPs in generic and existential contexts in L3 Brazilian Portuguese.” Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 5, 215-251.
- Ionin, T. and Luchkina, T. (2015). “One reading for every word order: revisiting Russian scope.” In U. Steindl, T. Borer, H. Fang, A. García Pardo, P. Guekguezian, B. Hsu, C. O’Hara, & I.C. Ouyang (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, pp. 21-30. Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
- Luchkina. T. and Ionin, T. 2015. “The effect of prosody on availability of inverse scope in Russian.” In Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics #23: The Berkeley Meeting. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Slavic Publications.
- Montrul, S. 2015. Language attrition and heritage language reversal. Journal of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences 14, 1-28.
- Montrul, S., Bhatt, R. and Girju, R. (2015). Differential Object Marking in Spanish, Hindi and Romanian as heritage languages. Language 91, 3, 564-610.
- Montrul, S. and Sánchez-Walker, N. (2015). Subject expression in school-age Spanish-English bilingual children. In A. Carvalho, R. Orozco & N. Shin (eds), Subject Pronoun Expression in Spanish: A Crossdialectal Perspective. Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 231-248.
- Montrul, S. and Gürel, A. (2015). The acquisition of Differential Object Marking in Spanish by Turkish speakers. In T. Judy and S. Perpiñán (eds.), The Acquisition of Spanish by speakers of less commonly studies languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 281-308.
- Bowles, M. A., and Montrul, S. (2014). Heritage Spanish speakers in university language courses: A decade of difference. ADFL Bulletin, 43(1), 112-122.
- Benmamoun, A., Albirini, A. Montrul, S., and Saadah, E. (2014). Arabic plurals and root and pattern morphology in Palestinian and Egyptian heritage speakers. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 4, 1, 89-123.
- Bowles, M. A., Adams, R. J., & Toth, P. D. (2014). A comparison of L2-L2 and L2-HL interactions in Spanish language classrooms. The Modern Language Journal, 98(2): 497-517.
- Foote, R. (2014). Age of acquisition and sensitivity to gender in Spanish word recognition. Language Acquisition 21(4), 365-385.
- Ionin, T. (2014). “Some indefinites scope out of islands: an experimental investigation”. In Aguilar-Guevara, J. Zwarts and B. Le Bruyn (Eds.), Weak Referentiality, pp. 45-72. Studies in Language Companion series, John Benjamins.
- Ionin, T., Luchkina, T. and Stoops, A. (2014). “Quantifier scope and scrambling in the second language acquisition of Russian.” In C.-Y. Chu, C. Coughlin, B. Lopez Prego, U. Minai, & A. Tremblay (eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition–North America, University of Kansas, pp. 169-180. Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
- Ionin, T., Grolla, E., Montrul, S. and H. Santos. (2014). When articles have different meanings: acquiring the expression of genericity in English and Brazilian Portuguese. In P. Cabredo Hoffeher & A. Zribi-Hertz (eds.), Languages with and without articles, pp. 367-397, Syntax and Semantics series. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill.
- Kim, E., Montrul, S. and Yoon, J. (2014). The on-line processing of Binding Principles A and B in L2 Acquisition: Evidence from Eye tracking. Applied Psycholinguistics online First.
- Montrul, S. & Foote, R. (2014). Age of acquisition (AoA) interactions in bilingual lexical access: A study of the weaker language of L2 learners and heritage speakers. International Journal of Bilingualism 18(3), 274-303.
- Montrul, S., Davidson, J., de la Fuente, I., & Foote, R. (2014). Early language experience facilitates the processing of gender agreement in Spanish heritage speakers. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 17(1), 118-138.
- Montrul, S. (2014). Searching for the roots of structural changes in the Spanish of the United States. Lingua, 151, 177-196.
- Montrul, S. (2014). Transfer, fossilization and incomplete acquisition: The Interlanguage Hypothesis 40 years later. In E. Tarone and Z-H Han (eds.). Interlanguage: 40 Years later. In honor of Larry Selinker. Amsterdam: John Benjemins.
- Montrul, S. (2014). Ultimate attainment in second language Spanish. In K. Geeslin (Ed.). Handbook of Spanish as a Second Language, pp. 353-368. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Benmamoun, E., Montrul, S. and Polinsky, M. (2013). Defining and “ideal” heritage speaker: Theoretical and methodological challenges. Reply to peer commentaries. Theoretical Linguistics, 39 (3-4), 259-294.
- Benmamoun, E., Montrul, S. and Polinsky, M. (2013). Keynote article. Heritage languages and their speakers: Opportunities and challenges for linguistics. Theoretical Linguistics, 39 (3-4), 129-181.
- Ionin, T., Montrul, S. and Crivos, C. (2013). A bidirectional study on the acquisition of plural NP interpretation in English and Spanish. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34, 483-518.
- Ionin, T., Grolla, E., Montrul, S. and Santos, H. (2013). When articles have different meanings: acquiring the expression of genericity in English and Brazilian Portuguese. In P. Cabredo Hoffeher & A. Zribi-Hertz (eds.), Crosslinguistic studies on Noun Phrase structure and reference, Syntax and Semantics vol. 19, pp. 367-396, Brill.
- Montrul, S. (2013). Bilingualism and the heritage language speaker. In W. Ritchie and T. Bhatia (Eds.), The Handbook of Bilingualism. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 174-189.
- Montrul, S. (2013). Differential Object Marking in Argentine Spanish. An experimental study. In L. Colantoni and C. Rodríguez Louro (Eds.). The Handbook of Argentine Spanish. Frankfurt: Vervuert Iberoamericana, pp. 207-228.
- Montrul, S. and Sánchez-Walker, N. (2013). Differential object marking in child and adult Spanish heritage speakers. Language Acquisition 20, 109-132.
- Montrul, S. (2013). First language retention and attrition in an adult Guatemalan adoptee. (already published in Language, Interaction and Acquisition 2:2, 276-311, 2011). Republished in M. Schmid and B. Köpke (eds.). First Language Attrition. Series Benjamins Current Topics, pp. 91-126.
- Montrul, S. (2013). How native are heritage speakers? A look at gender agreement in Spanish. The Heritage Language Journal 10, 2, 15-39.
- Montrul, S. (2013). Incomplete L1 acquisition. In J. Hershensohn and M. Young-Scholten (Eds.). The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 353-371.
- Montrul, S., de la Fuente, I., Davidson, J., & Foote, R. (2013). The role of experience in the acquisition and production of diminutives and gender in Spanish: Evidence from L2 learners and heritage speakers. Second Language Research 29(1), 87-118.
- Stoops, A. and T. Ionin. (2013). Quantifier scope and scrambling in Russian: an experimental study. Annual Workshop on Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics: the Bloomington Meeting (FASL 21).
- Foote, R. & Bock, K. (2012). The role of morphology in subject-verb number agreement: A comparison of Mexican and Dominican Spanish. Language and Cognitive Processes 27(3), 429-461.
- Ionin, T., Baek, S., Kim, E., Ko, H. and Wexler, K. (2012). That’s not so different from the: definite and demonstrative descriptions in second language acquisition. Second Language Research, 28, 68-100.
- Montrul, S. and Foote, R. (2012). Age of Acquisition Interactions in Bilingual Lexical Access: A study of the weaker language in L2 learners and heritage speakers. The International Journal of Bilingualism 16, 2. OnlineFirst, May 8, 2012.
- Montrul, S. and Ionin, T. (2012). Dominant language transfer in Spanish heritage speakers and L2 learners in the interpretation of definite articles. The Modern Language Journal 96, 1, 70-94.
- Montrul, S., Bhatt, R., Bhatia, A. (2012). Erosion of Case and Agreement in Hindi Heritage Speakers. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 2, 141-176.
- Montrul, S. (2012). Is the heritage language like a second language? EUROSLA Yearbook, 12, 1-29.
- Montrul, S. (2012). On the grammatical competence of Spanish heritage speakers. In. S. Beaudrie and M. Fairclough (Eds.), Spanish as a Heritage Language in the US: State of the Science. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, pp. 101-120.
- Bowles, M. A. (2011). Exploring the role of modality: L2-heritage learner interactions in the Spanish language classroom. The Heritage Language Journal, 8(1): 30-65.
- Bowles, M. A. (2011). Measuring implicit and explicit linguistic knowledge: What can heritage language learners contribute? Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33: 247-271.
- Foote, R. (2011). Integrated knowledge of agreement in early and late English-Spanish bilinguals. Applied Psycholinguistics, 32(01), 187-220.
- Ionin, T., Montrul, S. and Santos, H. (2011). An Experimental Investigation of the Expression of Genericity in English, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Lingua, 121, 963-985.
- Ionin, T., Montrul, S., Kim, J-H., Philippov, V. (2011). Genericity distinctions and the interpretation of determiners in L2 acquisition. Language Acquisition 18, 242-280.
- Ionin, T., Baek, S., Kim, E., Ko, H. and Wexler, K. (2011). That’s the meaning: Interpretation of definite and demonstrative descriptions in L2-English. In M. Pirvulescu, M.C. Cuervo, A.T. Pérez-Leroux, J. Steele, & N. Strik (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2010),pp. 122-138. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Ionin, T., Montrul, S. and Santos, H. (2011). The expression of genericity in English and Brazilian Portuguese: An experimental investigation. In M. Byram Washburn, K. McKinney-Bock, E. Varis, A. Sawyer, and B. Tomaszewicz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (pp. 115-123). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Ionin, T., Montrul, S. and Santos, H. (2011). Transfer in L2 and L3 acquisition of generic interpretation. In N. Danis, K. Mesh, and H. Sung (eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp. 283-295. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Montrul, S. and Perpiñán, S. 2011. Assessing differences and similarities between instructed L2 learners and heritage language learners in their knowledge of Spanish Tense-Aspect and Mood (TAM) Morphology. The Heritage Language Journal 8, 1, 90-133. http://www.international.ucla.edu/languages/heritagelanguages/journal/index.asp
- Montrul, S., Dias, R. and Santos, H. (2011). Clitics and object expression in the L3 acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese. Structural similarity matters for transfer. Second Language Research 27, 1, 21-58.
- Montrul, S. (2011). First language retention and attrition in an adult Guatemalan adoptee. Language, Interaction and Acquisition 2, 276-311.
- Montrul, S. (2011). Interfaces and incomplete acquisition. Lingua, Special issue on Interfaces in language acquisition, 212, 4, 591-604.
- Montrul, S. (2011). Morphological errors in Spanish second language learners and heritage speakers. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33, 2, 155-161.
- Pierce, L. and Ionin, T. (2011). Perception of articles in L2 English. In M. Plonsky and M. Schierloh (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 2009 Second Language Research Forum, pp. 121-128. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Bowles, M. A. (2010). Concurrent verbal reports in second language research. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 30: 111-127.
- Foote, R. (2010). Age of acquisition and proficiency as factors in language production: Agreement in bilinguals. Bilingualism:Language and Cognition 13(2), 99-118.
- Ionin, T. (2010). An experimental study on the scope of (un)modified indefinites. International Review of Pragmatics, 2, 228-265.
- Ionin, T. and Montrul, S. (2010). The role of L1-transfer in the interpretation of articles with definite plurals in L2-English. Language Learning, 60, 4, 877-925.
- Ionin, T. (2010). The scope of indefinites: an experimental investigation. Natural Language Semantics, 18, 295-350.
- Kim, J-H., Montrul, S. and Yoon, J. (2010). Dominant language influence in acquisition and attrition of binding: Interpretation of the Korean reflexive caki. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 13, 73-84.
- Montrul, S. (2010). Current issues in heritage language acquisition. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 30, 3-23.
- Montrul, S. (2010). Dominant language transfer in Spanish L2 learners and heritage speakers. Special issue of Second Language Research 26,3, 293-327.
- Montrul, S. (2010). How similar are L2 learners and heritage speakers? Spanish clitics and word order. Applied Psycholinguistics 31, 73-84.
- Montrul, S. and Bowles, M. (2010). Is grammar instruction beneficial for heritage language learners? Dative case marking in Spanish. The Heritage Language Journal 7, 1, 47-73.
- Montrul, S. and Ionin, T. (2010). Transfer effects in the interpretation of definite articles by Spanish heritage speakers. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 13, 4, 449-473.
- Qasem, M. & Foote, R. (2010). Crosslanguage lexical activation: A test of the Revised Hierarchical and morphological decomposition models in Arabic-English bilinguals. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 32(1), 111-140.
- Bowles, M. & Montrul, S. (2009). Instructed L2 acquisition of Differential Object Marking in Spanish. In Little Words. Their History, Phonology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics and Acquisition, R. Leow, H. Campos and D. Lardiere (Eds.), pp. 199-110. Georgetown University Round Table. Georgetown: Georgetown University Press.
- Ionin, T. and Montrul, S. (2009). “Article use and generic reference: parallels between L1- and L2-acquisition”. In M. García-Mayo & R. Hawkins (Eds.), Second Language Acquisition of Articles: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Implications, pp. 147-174 . John Benjamins.
- Kim, J-H, Montrul, S. and Yoon, J. (2009). Binding interpretation of anaphors in Korean heritage speakers. Language Acquisition 16, 1, 3-35.
- Montrul, S. and Bowles, M. (2009). Back to basics: Differential Object Marking under incomplete acquisition in Spanish heritage speakers. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 12, 3, 363–383.
- Montrul, S. (2009). Incomplete acquisition of Tense-Aspect and Mood in Spanish heritage speakers: Special issue of The International Journal of Bilingualism 13, 2, 1-31.
- Montrul, S., Dias, R. and Santos, H. (2009). On some null subject parameter-related properties in the L3 acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese. Special issue of Revista Estudos da Língua(gem)7, 2, 163-198.
- Montrul, S. (2009). Re-examining the Fundamental Difference Hypothesis: What can early bilinguals tell us? Special issue ofStudies in Second Language Acquisition 2009, 31, 2, 225-257.
- Montrul, S. Prince, R. and Thomé-Williams, A. (2009). “Subject expression in the non- native acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese.” In A. Pires and J. Rothman (Eds.). Minimalist Inquiries into Child and Adult Language Acquisition: Case Studies across Portuguese, pp. 301-325. Berlin/New York: Mouton DeGruyter.
- Benmamoun, A., Montrul, S., Albirini, and Saddah, E. (2008). “Agreement and plural features in Arabic heritage speakers.” The Second Heritage Language Summer Institute. Harvard University, June 22-26.
- Ionin, T. (2008). “An experimental investigation of the semantics and pragmatics of specificity”. In N. Abner and J. Bishop (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (pp. 229-237). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Montrul, S., Foote, R. and Perpiñán, S. (2008). Gender agreement in adult second language learners and Spanish heritage speakers: The effects of age and context of acquisition. Language Learning 58, 3, 503–553.
- Montrul, S. (2008). “Incomplete acquisition in Spanish heritage speakers: Chronological age or interface vulnerability?” Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp. 299-310. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Montrul, S., Foote, R., and Perpiñán, S. (2008). “Knowledge of wh-movement in Spanish L2 learners and heritage speakers”. In M. Almazán, J. Bruhn de Garavito, and E. Valenzuela (Eds.), Selected Papers from the 8th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Presspp, pp. 93-106.
- Montrul, S. and Bowles, M. (2008). “Negative evidence in instructed heritage language acquisition. A study of Differential Object Marking.“ In M. Bowles, R. Foote and S. Perpiñán (Eds.) Selected papers from SLRF 2007. Somerville: Cascadilla Press, pp. 252-262.