Full Takeover: Week 1

First week of official full takeover completed! Honestly, it was a great week! One of my highlights was that each student got either an A or B on their fraction test. Before they took the test, I promised them that if they got all A’s and B’s, then I would make them cookies. Well, a promise is a promise! The students are learning how to more effectively work in their teams (tables), which is good to see. I decided to move the tallies to the board so all the students can view them. Also, next week I decided that in addition to earning tallies, they can also be taken away if students are not behaving how they are supposed to be.  I also reinstated my cooperating teacher’s previous management plan that she has in place. She admitted she is not good at enforcing it or “moving dogs”. I let the students know that starting this past week, I was going to begin moving dogs. There are three levels. ‘On a short leash’ means the student has been given a warning for a behavior. If a student continues to demonstrate that behavior after a warning, then they move to ‘kennel time’. If moved to here, they have to miss a recess. The last level is ‘in the dog house’ and students are sent to the office and a call is made home. First week of full takeover: CHECK!