Emblematica Online: New Portal Functionality and Undergraduate Researchers

The Scholarly Commons’ Explorations in Digital Humanities Workshop “Emblematica Online: New Portal Functionality and Undergraduate Researchers ” will be held Thursday November 20th at 4:00 in room 308 of the Main Library.

This presentation focuses on the digital resource Emblematica Online, a project funded first by the NEH and DFG Bilateral Digital Humanities Initiative and now by NEH.  Emblematica Online currently makes 1,388 digital facsimiles and ~22,000 individual emblems from these rare Renaissance books at the University of Illinois Library and the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Glasgow University, Utrecht University, Getty Research Institute Library, and Duke University Library, available for searching and browsing at various levels of granularity.

The presenters will provide a brief history and description of the project, discuss their model of undergraduate research for the project and demonstrate sample searches within the OpenEmblem Portal and across international projects which employ Iconlcass metadata indexing. The presentation will last ca. 40 minutes.

The researchers for Emblematica Online are:

Mara Wade, PI;  Timothy W. Cole, Myung-Ja K. Han, and Harriett Green, co-PIs

Tom Kilton, Senior Consultant; Janina Sarol, Patricia Lampron, Librarians

Student researchers: Johannes Fröhlich (RA)

Patricia Fleming, Heidi Heim, Melina Nunez, Undergraduate Emblem Scholars

Associated online publications include:

Timothy W. Cole, Myung-Ja K. Han, Jordan Vannoy, “Descriptive Metadata, Iconclass, and Digitized Emblem Literature,”  JCDL ’12 Proceedings of the 12th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, New York: ACM, 2012, 111-120. http://dl.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=2232839&ftid=1226090&dwn=1&CFID=589338266&CFTOKEN=46188955

Digital Collections and the Management of Knowledge: Renaissance Emblem Literature as a Case Study for the Digitization of Rare Texts and Images, ed. Mara R. Wade. Salzburg: DigiCULT, 2004. http://www.digicult.info/downloads/dc_emblemsbook_highres.pdf

Emblem Digitization: Conducting Digital Research with Renaissance Texts and Images ed. Mara R. Wade.  2012. (= Early Modern Literary Studies, Special Issue 20)


Digitization for Research and Scholarly Communication, 4 May 2014
