[August 16, 2013]
Quad Day Information:
Quad Day is Sunday, August 25th from 12PM-4PM. The club needs volunteers to hand out fliers and collect contact information for potential new students. Our club is at booth 178 (near Greg Hall) http://union.illinois.edu/involvement/rso/QuadDay/QuadDayMap2013.pdf. I will bring some bottled water, a couple chairs, fliers, sign-up sheets and large poster board. Please wear your TKD uniforms if you can for Quad Day!
Quad Day Volunteer Sign-Up:
Please use the above link and enter your name next to the time slot that you will be able to volunteer at the TKD @ UIUC for Quad Day. Currently, the pool is limited to 4 volunteers per time slot. Again, try to wear your TKD uniform for Quad Day!
[August 5, 2013]
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer break as the start of the fall term is only 3 weeks away! Below is our training schedule for the Post-Summer and Fall Term:
TKD Post-Summer Schedule (August 3rd-August 25th):
Week of August 5th – August 11th
Monday/Wednesday 6PM – 7:30PM class outside (grassy lawn outside of Law Building) and Saturday 12PM – 2PM ARC Combat Room
Week of August 12th – August 18th
NO TKD Classes Scheduled
Week of August 19th – August 25th
Monday/Wednesday 5:30PM – 7PM and Saturday 12PM – 2PM ARC Combat Room
TKD Fall 2103 Schedule (Begins August 26, 2013)
Mondays 7:30PM – 9PM
Wednesdays 5:30PM – 7PM
Saturdays 12PM – 2PM
Finally, Quad Day is Sunday, August 25th and as always we will need plenty of volunteers to pass out fliers and encourage new students to join our club. There will be an email next week regarding signing out to volunteer to shifts at Quad Day.
Candice Solomon-Strutz