For those who are unaware…
…the Bucket List is a 2007 movie in which “two terminally ill men escape from a cancer ward and head off on a road trip with a wish list of to-dos before they die.” (IMDb). I am not terminally ill in any way, this is merely a list of goals to accomplish before I graduate.
-Prove its usefulness through a proof of concept testing (End of Fall 2011)
-Reconfigure the hardware design (after my mother broke it in half) (Early Spring 2012)
-Test new configuration and find issue (Spring 2012)
-Demonstrate my idea and receive feedback in EOH 2012 (March 2012)
-Write a formal report of my progress thus far and use it to plan for the future (End of Spring 2012)
-Use this one-of-a-kind experience to propel me into the College of Business (June 2012)
-Re-envision my presentation to make ti better for others to interact with (Fall 2012)
-Obtain a product that currently exists (for compassion) (Fall 2012 for loaner, Spring 2013 for full ownership)
-Create a website in which to showcase my work (January 2013)
-Modify the hardware to meet new demands and requests (Currently happening)
-Code an Operating System independent interface for control and image capture (Currently happening)
-Update my website with construction progress (Currently happening)
-Showcase my improvements and gain more feedback in EOH 2013
-Update my website to showcase the changes over this year
-Respond to feedback from Spring 2013
-Make my exhibit more interactive (ideas?)
-Remove as many external wires as possible
-Go Mobile (if it seems practical)
-AFTER EOH, begin to assemble more units for other UIUC students
-Use this unique experience to earn a serious internship
-Take all feedback from EOH 2014 into consideration
-Get advice and recommendations from other UIUC students using the device
-Talk with disability agencies, start an outreach program with this new accommodation
-Do something HUGE in EOH 2015 (ideas?)
Beyond that…
…everyone will just have to wait and see what happens!