Top 100 Blogs for Statisticians

Looking for some new blogs to follow? Data Science Central posted an article with over 100 leading blogs for statisticians (and like-minded professionals). The topics run the gamut from statistics and analytics to SAS, R, data mining, data visualization and more – there is really something for everybody!

The blogs are compiled from meta-blog StatsBlogs, whose number one featured blog is written by CCASA Statistician of the Year award-winner Andrew Gelman.


There is also a new book out that might interest you: What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions.

From the creator of the hilarious and irreverent STEM blog xkcd comes a new book What If? which seeks to answer ridiculous hypothetical situations in the most scientific way possible. Although not written by or specifically for a statistician, if you’ve ever wondered how fast you could you hit a speed bump while driving and live, or how long humanity would last if there was a robot apocalypse, this book is for you.

— from the Chicago Chapter of the American Statistical Association Newsletter, October 2014