2013 – The International Year of Statistics

Welcome to 2013-the International Year of Statistics!

After months of anticipation, the International Year of Statistics (Statistics2013) is finally here! This worldwide celebration is supported by nearly 1,400 organizations in 105 countries.

Visit the Statistics2013 website to learn how you can get involved and watch the Statistics2013 video. Share it with your coworkers, local college statistics departments, and high schools; promote it to the public, media, and other groups; show it at your organization’s meetings; and post it to your organization’s website.

Learn more and spread the word at www.statistics2013.org.

The International Year of Statistics is a worldwide celebration and recognition of the contributions of statistical science. Through the combined energies of organizations worldwide, Statistics2013 will promote the importance of statistics to the broader scientific community, business and government data users, the media, policymakers, employers, students, and the general public.