NCSA Visualization Tour

Join us Monday October 12 at 4pm in the NCSA lobby for a visualization tour of simulations important to researchers at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and learn how data sets are transformed into visualizations.

The NCSA is a hub of trans-disciplinary research and digital scholarship where UofI faculty, staff, and students, and collaborators from around the globe, unite to address research grand challenges for the benefit of science and society. Current research focus areas are Bioinformatics and Health Sciences, Computing and Data Sciences, Culture and Society, Earth and Environment, Materials and Manufacturing, and Physics and Astronomy. For more information on the NCSA visit their website:

Date: Monday October 12
Time: 4pm
Location: National Center for Supercomputing Applications Lobby (located in the building directly north of the Siebel Center).

SIAM Speaker Series – Professor Michael Heath

Join us for the first event in the SIAM Speaker Series, as professor Michael Heath gives his popular talk from Supercomputing 14, “A tale of two laws”.  This talk discusses how Amdahl’s law and Moore’s law have impacted computing.

Speaker: Professor Michael Heath
Topic: A tale of two laws – How have Amdahl’s law and Moore’s law impacted computing?
Abstract: As Amdahl’s Law and Moore’s Law reach their 50th anniversaries, we review the roles they have played in shaping both perception and reality in high-performance computing. Along the way, we also attempt to clarify some misconceptions that have surrounded both of these highly influential but not always fully appreciated “laws.”
Date: Sep. 30, 4-5pm in Siebel Center 1302

This talk was originally presented at Supercomputing 14 and then invited to be published in a special journal article.

SIAM Game Night

Join us for SIAM Game Night, our first event of the semester. Come learn about the SIAM Student Chapter at Illinois while enjoying free pizza and board games.

Date: Wed Sep 9
Time: 5:30 – 7:30
Location: Siebel Center Room 1302