Innovation in Education
. Featured Keynote Presentations on Innovation in Higher Education
Innovation in Education Monthly Seminars
Hosted by College of Education, Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires.
Sponsored by: Konrad-Adenauer Foundation
July 2022
Playlist: Conversation about Innovations in Higher Education
Interview by:Julio Ernesto Rojas Mesa, Universidad Santo Tomas, Colombia.
May 2022
Webinar: The Human Element in Online Learning
Focus of Current Research
- Instructional Design of MOOCs (Working document)
- Blended Learning in Higher Education (Research documents and work in progress)
- Data Display in Qualitative Research
Press Releases:
Principal Researcher (PI)
- Student Engagement in Online Business Courses (IRB Protocol Number: 16772)
- Microlectures in online courses (2014-2017)
- Online Pedagogy in Business Education (2013-2016)
- Editors’ Perspectives on Qualitative Data Displays (2013-2016)
- Blended Learning in Higher Education (2008-2014) College of Business. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Mobile Learning in Graduate Professional Education (2011- 2013) Funded by Office of Dean and Technology Management Program. College of Business. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Evaluation of Online Graduate Program Implementation. Research funded by School of Education, Universidad de San Andres, Argentina (2010-2012)
- Use and Evaluation of Software in Business Communication Courses for International Students Research funded by Office of eLearning and Department of Finance, College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Action research and evaluation of marketing literacy in undergraduate courses (2009 – 2012). Research funded by Office of eLearning and Department of Business Administration and James Scholars, College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (IRB Protocol Number: 10149)
- Web 2.0 Applications in Education (2006).
- Uses of Wikis in Education (2005-2006).
- Evaluation of impact of graduates from an online program in their work environment (2005 -2006).
- Evaluation of Learning Management Systems (2003 – 2004)
Co Researcher
- LMS vs. Cloud applications in Education (2009). Evaluation of uses of cloud applications in higher education teaching and learning. Co-researcher: Arvan,L.
- Evaluation of implementation of a blended learning model in large enrollment courses (2008 -ongoing). . Co-researcher: Arvan,L., Moore-Reynen, J., Dyer, M.
- Evaluation of web conferencing systems application in higher education (2007). . Co-researcher: Arvan,L., Qualls, W., Reynen-Moore, J.
- Evaluation of Technology Studies Program (TSE) (2004). College of Education University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Coordinator of Project: Dr. Jennifer Greene.