My work indexed in Google Scholar
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Most Recent Publications and Presentations
(This is a list that only includes recent work, if you want access to a full list of publications, please click on RESUME at the top)
- Apple News Article “Impressive Career in Higher Education Leadership”
. Featured Keynote Presentations on Innovation in Higher Education
Innovation in Education Monthly Seminars
Hosted by College of Education, Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires.
Sponsored by: Konrad-Adenauer Foundation
July 2022
Playlist: Conversation about Innovations in Higher Education
Interview by:Julio Ernesto Rojas Mesa, Universidad Santo Tomas, Colombia.
May 2022
Webinar: The Human Element in Online Learning
Web stories and self published articles
- 10 Lessons from Peloton: Enhancing Rapport and Motivation in Online Instruction
- Online education is a two-way street
- “I can’t do my magic online …“
- Some dreams come true …
- My thoughts on MOOCs and their measure or success
Book and Book Chapters
Scagnoli, N., & Maurer, M. (2021). Horizontal Scaling: How Experience in MOOC Programs Helped a College Strategy in Emergency Response. In Y. Gazi & N. Baker (Eds.), MOVING HORIZONTALLY: New Dimensions of at-Scale Learning in the Time of COVID-19 (pp. 23-38). Atlanta, GA: Georgia Institute of Technology.
Choo, J., Scagnoli, N. I., Bakir, N. (2019), Using the Community of Inquiry framework to understand students’ learning experience in online undergraduate business courses. TechTrends. DOI 10.1007/s11528-019-00444-9
Scagnoli, N.I. (Ed) (2018). Abriendo caminos hacia practicas educativas innovadoras [Opening pathways to innovative educational practices]. San Luis, Argentina: Nueva Editorial Universitaria, UNSL
Scagnoli, N. I., McKinney, A., & Moore-Reynen, J. (2015). Video Lectures in eLearning. In F. Nafukho, & B. Irby (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Innovative Technology Integration in Higher Education (pp. 115-134). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8170-5.ch006
Scagnoli, N.I. (2015) Blended Learning o la Convergencia de lo Presencial y lo Virtual. In Micheli, J. (Ed) (2015) Educación virtual y universidad, un modelo de evolución. Azcapotzalco, Mx: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
Scagnoli, N.I. (2010) Blended Learning. In Fainholc, B. (2012) Aprendizaje electrónico mixto.: El blended learning como propuesta educativa de síntesis creativa para la educación superior. Editorial Académica Española.
Willging, P., Astudillo, G., Francia, A., Scagnoli, N.I. (2011) Aprediendo con Tecnologias 1Ed. Santa Rosa: Universidad Nacional de La Pampa ISBN 978-950-863-148-0 – Book Site:
Verdinelli, S. & Scagnoli, N.I. (2021, August). Quality criteria for the use of visuals in qualitative research. Poster presented in APA 2021
Hsiao, H. & Scagnoli, N.I. (2017, April) IMBA TA Academy. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Coursera Partners’ Conference, , April 2017 , CU Boulder.
Scagnoli, N.I. & Verdinelli, S., (2015, May). Towards a classification of interpretative visual displays in qualitative research. Paper presented at the Eleventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (QI2015) May 16-19 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Peer-reviewed Articles
Echambadi, R., Saiyed, A., Scagnoli, N. I., & Viswanathan, M. (2022). Launching an Online Business Program at Scale: A Retrospective Case Study of Disruptive Innovation Before the Pandemic. Journal of Management Education.
Scagnoli, N. I., & Graham-Rent, S. M. (2021). Common Practices in the Creation of Educational Videos. Revista de Educação e Pesquisa em Contabilidade (REPeC), 15(2).
Dyer, S. K., & Scagnoli, N. I. (2020, October). Dyer, S. K., & Scagnoli, N. I. Human Errors in Safety-Critical Workplaces: Innovation Based Errors. Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities (JLAH), 1(10), 1-16.
Choo, J., Scagnoli, N. I., Bakir, N. (2019), Using the Community of Inquiry framework to understand students’ learning experience in online undergraduate business courses. TechTrends. DOI 10.1007/s11528-019-00444-9
Scagnoli, N. I., Choo, J. and Tian, J. (2017), Students’ insights on the use of video lectures in online classes. British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET). doi:10.1111/bjet.12572
Scagnoli, N. I., & Verdinelli, S. (2017) Editors’ Perspective on the use of Visual Displays in Qualitative Studies. The Qualitative Report, 22(7), 1945-1963. Retrieved from
Scagnoli, N.I., Verdinelli, S. (2016, February) Visuals in Qualitative Research Findings and Analysis, 2016 Conference Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Jacksonville, FL. Feb 2016.
Anand, G., Chhajed, D., Hong, S., & Scagnoli., N.I. (2014) Introducing Mobile Technology in Graduate Professional Education . E-Learning and Digital Media11 (6), pp. 543 – 553 doi: 10.2304
Scagnoli, N.I., Yontz, R., & Choo, J. (2014) Successful Use of CALL Software: An Investigation in Higher Education. E-Learning and Digital Media 11 (3) doi: 10.2304
Verdinelli, S., & Scagnoli, N.I. (2013) Data Display in Qualitative Research, International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM)2013(12), 359-381
Seufferheld, M.,& Scagnoli, N. I. (2011) Web Conferencing and ICTs to Enhance Undergraduate Science Teaching. E-Learning and Digital Media.doi: 10.2304
Scagnoli, N.I. & Packard, C. (2011, February 19) Improving a blended delivery model in a large enrollment business course. 2011 Conference Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Chicago, IL
Scagnoli N. I., Mallo A., & Bertazzi G. (2010) Communication Media in Virtual Education [La educación virtual y sus medios de comunicación] Revista Metavoces Dic. 2010 Universidad Nacional de San Luis
Scagnoli, N. I., Buki, L. P., & Johnson, S. D. (2009). The influence of online teaching on face-to-face teaching practices. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 13(2), 115-128.
Scagnoli, N. I. (2009). A review of online learning and its evolution in Latin America. Policy Future in Education, 7(5), 555-565.
Scagnoli, N. I., Stephens, M., & Anderson, T. (2008). Impact of graduates from an online program in their work environment. E-Learning, 5(1), 64-74.
Bertazzi G., Mallo A., & Scagnoli N. I., (2007). Learning to teach: Blended Learning in Engineering [Aprender para Enseñar: B-Learning en la Facultad de Ingenieria] Revista Argentina de Enseñanza de la Ingeniería 8(15) , 37-46
(for full download of some articles, please go to, a list of full papers will be available if you click on the link, or if you search by my name)
Conference Presentations in the last few years
(Full list can be found in my resume)
Verdinelli, S., & Scagnoli, N.I. (2024, May) The Invisible Wall: Disclosure and Stigma in Online Learning for Students with Disabilities, Virtual Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,, May 29-31, 2024 In Conference Proceedings p. 54.
Verdinelli, S., & Scagnoli, N.I. (2021, January) Infographics and the Representation of Qualitative Research Findings, The Qualitative Report TQR 12th Annual Conference, January 12-15, 2021, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Scagnoli, N.I., Hsiao, H.; Moore-Reynen, J. (2019, September) Design and Technology for Scale. Affordable Degrees at Scale Symposium, Georgia Tech, Global Learning Center, Atlanta, GA.
Scagnoli, N.I. (2019, April) Building Presence and Engagement in Online Learning, VII Coursera Partners’ Conference, University of London, London, UK.
Scagnoli, N. I. (2018, April) MOOCs and MOOC Based Programs: Learnings and Explorations. In 2018 USDLA National Conference. Indianapolis, IN: United States Distance Learning Association.
Scagnoli, N. I. , Cove, S. & Bates, B. (2018, April) Racing to New Heights: Massive Growth With Quality at Scale. In 2018 USDLA National Conference. Indianapolis, IN: United States Distance Learning Association.
Scagnoli, N.I., & Verdinelli, S. (2018, January) Visual Representations of Qualitative Research: Recommendations and Best Practices. In The Qualitative Report Ninth Annual Conference, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA
Scagnoli, N. I., (2017, November) Learning Design and Course Production, Affordable Degrees at Scale Symposium, Georgia Institute of Technology, Global Learning Center Atlanta, Georgia
Scagnoli, N. I. (2017, April) MOOCs: New Pathways For Learning and Academic Credentials. In 2017 USDLA National Conference. Indianapolis, IN: United States Distance Learning Association.
Scagnoli, N.I. (2017, March) Beyond Forums: Creating an Engaging Online Learning Community. In Coursera Partners Conference. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado
Scagnoli, N.I., (2016, August) An innovative and disruptive MOOC-based degree program, Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison WI.
Scagnoli, N.I. (2016, February) Instructional Design of a MOOC, Proceedings of the 2016Conference Academy of Human Resource Development, Jacksonvillle FL.
Scagnoli, N.I. & Hsiao, H., (2015, August) MOOC Development and Delivery from the Support Staff’s Perspective, Paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison WI.
Scagnoli, N.I. & Moore-Reynen, J. (2015, August) Video lectures: The new “must have” element incourse design, Paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison WI.
Scagnoli, N.I. & Verdinelli, S., (2015, May). Towards a classification of interpretative visual displays in qualitative research. Paper presented at the Eleventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (QI2015) May 16-19 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Scagnoli, N.I. & Verdinelli, S. (2014) Editors’ perspectives on qualitative visual displays (P. 220). Presented at the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 21-23, 2014, Champaign IL.
Scagnoli, N.I. (2013) Facilitator of the Panel: Blended Learning in Business Education Presented at the Faculty Summer Institute 2013, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. Presenters: Dyer, M., Echambadi, R., Packard, C., Sachdev, V., Shabbir, S., Taghaboni-Dutta, F.
Scagnoli, N.I. (2012, November) Evaluation of Blended Learning in Large Enrollment Courses, (Spanish Title: Blended Learning: Convergencia entre lo presencial y lo virtual – Estudio evaluativo) UBATic+ International Conference, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina.
Scagnoli, N.I., Moore-Reynen, J., & McKinney, A. (2012, October) To Tube or Not to Tube: Microlectures in Higher Education, Ubiquitous Learning Conference, Champaign, IL.
Scagnoli, N.I. & Hong, Seung won (2012, August) iPads in Graduate Professional Education. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison WI. August 8-10, 2012.
Choo, J., Scagnoli, N.I. & Yontz, R. (2012, June) Successful Use of CALL Software: An Investigation in Higher Education Paper presented in CALICO 2012, NotreDame University, MI. June 15, 2012.
Moore-Reynen J. & Scagnoli, N. I., (2012, May). Embeding Teacher’s Presence Through Micro-Lectures. Presented at the Faculty Summer Institute 2012, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
Scagnoli, N.I. & Hong, Seung won (2012, May) Evaluation of the Implementation of iPads in a Graduate Professional Programs Presented at the Faculty Summer Institute 2012, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
. Recent Keynote speaker and invited panelist/ lecturer
Scagnoli, N.I., (2022, July ) Rethinking academic curriculum in a new higher education ecosystem, Innovation in Education Monthly Seminars, Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Scagnoli, N.I., (2022, May ) Building a culture of innovation in higher education settings. VI International Forum on Research in Virtual Learning Environments (Sexto Foro Internacional de Investigación en Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje), Universidad de La Salle and Universidad Santo Tomás (Colombia); Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (España); Universidad César Vallejo (Perú); Universidad Estatal a Distancia (Costa Rica).
DeMillo, R., Baker, N., Scagnoli, N.I., White D. (2017, November) What did we learn from our platform partnerships? Affordable Degrees at Scale Symposium, Georgia Institute of Technology, Global Learning Center, Atlanta, GA.
Scagnoli, N.I., (2014, March ) Online development collaboration with Latin America: Challenges and Opportunities, Lecturer at Spring Lecture Series for Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Scagnoli, N.I. (2013, May) Facilitator of the Panel: Blended Learning in Business Education, Presented at the Faculty Summer Institute 2013, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. Presenters: Dyer, M., Echambadi, R., Packard, C., Sachdev, V., Shabbir, S., Taghaboni- Dutta, F.
Scagnoli, N. I. (2012, November 1st) 7 Things you should know about microlectures, Contributor to the ELI 7 Things You Should Know Collections. Educause Learning Initiatives, online at
Scagnoli, N.I. (2012, October 21-25) Blended Learning in Higher Education, Panelist at the Distance Education Week, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (UAM) Mexico City, Mexico.
Scagnoli, N.I. (2012, August) Preparing instruction for mobile learning. Panelist at the 28th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison WI. August 8-10, 2012.
Breen, A., Scagnoli, N.I. & Baird, R. (2012 May) Leadership lessons for instructors and their students Panelist at the Faculty Summer Institute 2012, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.