The name of this organization shall be the Romanian Student Club.
The Romanian Student Club (RSC) is a registered student organization (RSO) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), whose purpose is to make known on campus aspects of Romanian culture, to provide help and support to the new Romanian students at UIUC, and to create a forum where Romanian issues can be discussed.
Members of the RSC shall be any Romanian, Romanian-American, or non-Romanian student or academic staff member of the UIUC. There shall be no annual fee for membership; donations shall be encouraged when needed for the organization of RSC-sponsored events. When applicable, an academic advisor who can be any member of the faculty shall be considered the official liaison between RSC and UIUC faculty.
The RSC shall be served by a president and a treasurer, elected annually by the members of the organization. One or more vice-presidents and a secretary can also be elected at the annual election meeting. Election of an officer shall be determined by a simple majority of the RSC members present at that meeting, but not by fewer than five people. The annual election meeting for any given academic year shall be held during the last month of the previous academic year, in a meeting scheduled and announced at least a month in advance.
All RSC members can submit nominations and shall have full voting privileges at all meetings.
Ammendments to the RSC Constitution may be proposed by any RSC member and shall be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the RSC members who are present at the annual election meeting. Any matter shall be decided by a two-thirds majority vote at any official RSC meeting.