Congratulations, Xinyu Liu, IGL member Fall 2016 and Spring 2017; Xinyu will be pursing graduate studies at UC Berkeley
Congratulations, Xinyu Liu, IGL member Fall 2016 and Spring 2017; Xinyu will be pursing graduate studies at UC Berkeley
Congratulations, Yicheng Pu, IGL member Fall 2016 and Spring 2017; Yicheng will be pursing graduate studies at Cornell University
Daan Michiels, graduate mentor in a Spring 2017 IGL project, has been mentioned in Scientific American for prior work in virtual reality.
Midterm Poster for 2017 Spring IGL project on Visual Cliffs, Virtual Reality and Movement Disorders
Co-sponsored by Professor Manuel Hernandez, UIUC Dept. of Kinesiology
Midterm Poster for 2017 Spring IGL project on Traffic Patterns in Manhattan
Error in low-rank approximation
Co-sponsored by Professor Dan Work, UIUC Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Professor Arnab Chakraborty of UIUC Department of Urban and Regional Planning.
Professor Dan Work and R.S. are awarded a Siebel Energy Institute Seed Grant for Quantifying the Predictability of City-scale Urban Traffic
Vaibhav Karve, Derrek Yager, and R.S. are mentioned in the AMS Notices (p. 262)
Measuring the Unmeasurable: An application of uncertainty quantification to Treasury bond portfolios by Jingnan Chen, Mark Flood, and R.S. accepted to appear in Quantitative Finance. Preprint
Presenting IGL results at ‘Workshop on Urban Mobility in the Era of Smart and Connected Communities’ in Chicago
Optimal Transport to Cold Chain in Hand-Picked Agriculture by Devasia Manuel and R.S. accepted to appear in Natural Resource Modelling. Press Release.