University of Illinois does not endorse nor is affiliated with Project Honeypot. This site was added to encourage University of Illinois students and faculty to participate in eliminating spam.
The following information comes from the site
About Project Honey Pot
Project Honey Pot is the first and only distributed system for identifying spammers and the spambots they use to scrape addresses from your website. Using the Project Honey Pot system you can install addresses that are custom-tagged to the time and IP address of a visitor to your site. If one of these addresses begins receiving email we not only can tell that the messages are spam, but also the exact moment when the address was harvested and the IP address that gathered it.
To participate in Project Honey Pot, webmasters need only install the Project Honey Pot software somewhere on their website. We handle the rest — automatically distributing addresses and receiving the mail they generate. As a result, we anticipate installing Project Honey Pot should not increase the traffic or load to your website.
We collate, process, and share the data generated by your site with you. We also work with law enforcement authorities to track down and prosecute spammers. Harvesting email addresses from websites is illegal under several anti-spam laws, and the data resulting from Project Honey Pot is critical for finding those breaking the law.
Additionally, we will periodically collate the email messages we receive and share the resulting corpus with anti-spam developers and researchers. The data participants in Project Honey Pot will help to build the next generation of anti-spam software.
Project Honey Pot was created by Unspam Technologies, Inc — an anti-spam company with the singular mission of helping design and enforce effective anti-spam laws. We are always looking to partner with top software developers and enforcement authorities. If there is some way we can help you fight spam, please don’t hesitate to contact us.