What to do if you’re in high School
- Get good grades
- Research undergraduate programs in various colleges
- get a good background in science
- do volunteer work related to animals
- shadow a veterinarian
- Gain various animal experiences
- think about a major (does not have to be animal related or pre-vet)
What to do if you’re a freshman in college
- meet with advisor
- Join Pre-Vet Club!
- learn pre-vet requirements
- plan tentative class schedule
- maintain strong GPA
- Begin extracurricular activities
- work/volunteer in veterinary medicine or animal related activities
- start a list of your experiences with approx hours per week and total, a short description of what you did, and who you worked with
- organize a document with all of the classes you have taken for each semester
What to do if you’re a sophomore in college
- get lots of experience in a variety of areas (small, large, wildlife, research, exotics)
- get to know a few professors and a least one veterinarian (recommendation letter)
- Keep up GPA
- take a GRE prep class/study for GRE
- consider research opportunities
- consider study abroad opportunities
- Participate in various clubs
What to do if you’re a junior in college
- research your schools closely (The cube has brochures on most veterinary schools)
- take GRE (allow time to take it multiple times)
- check requirements for courses (ex: Iowa doesn’t accept MCB 100/101)
- Continue getting more experiences
- get leadership experiences in clubs
What to do if you’re a senior in college
- start early and create a schedule for completing VMCAS
- check deadlines
- check requirements for courses (ex: Iowa doesn’t accept MCB 100/101)
- get your personal statement edited with the career center
- have a mock interview at the career center
- Request reference letters
- Request and send Transcripts from all institutions attended to VMCAS
- Complete VMCAS
- Write Thank you letters for reference letters