Spring is Here!
The weather is finally warming up, spring flowers are beginning to appear, and this week was the second spring break wellness day of the semester. Here are some suggestions and ideas to maximize the second half of the spring semester and to help with your initial planning for the upcoming summer!
- Scholarships: This is a great time to apply for scholarships as many have upcoming deadlines. Pre-Law Advising just released an updated scholarship document with over 100 scholarships! This document can be found on our compass page and on a recent blog post.
- Internships: Do you have your summer plans figured out? If not, start applying for jobs and internships. Our compass page has an internship newsletter that contains many unique and interesting opportunities for students. The 2020 Internship Newsletter has new internships being added all the time.
- Plan Ahead: Use this time to look into future events you might wish to attend and get those on your calendar. The Monthly Snapshot on the blog has tons of programs and information for pre-law students. The Snapshot is posted on the first business day of the month and is continuously being updated. Check out the Pre-Law Advising website for a list of our remaining programs coming up this semester. Schedule an advising appointment with Pre-Law Advising Services to get your questions answered and obtain help with your law school application or stop by virtual Open Office Hours on Wednesdays from 4:00 – 5:00 pm.
- LSAT Planning: Start thinking about when you want to take the LSAT if you have not already. For Juniors or graduating Seniors, the summer is a great time to take the LSAT but deadlines to sign up are fast approaching. Make sure that whenever you plan to take the LSAT you have allocated sufficient time to study and prepare – recommendations range from 2-6 months. Begin to consider which prep options you plan to use and if a study group is right for you. A great place to start your prep is with a practice LSAT – this will give you a helpful baseline of your performance level prior to starting your prep and helpful insights on how much prep time you may wish to allocate. Check out Kahn Academy for a free diagnostic test!
- Work on Application Documents: Take some time to begin drafting law school application documents such as your resume. You will continue to update your resume as you approach the application cycle, however, get a head start now by reviewing your resume, perfecting your formatting, and adding any items to bring it current. Start thinking about who you will ask to write letters of recommendation for you. If you already have someone in mind, reach out to them now and begin sharing your timeline and plans.
- Get Involved: Think about joining pre-law student organizations or pursuing leadership positions in organizations you are already involved in. Consider volunteering in your local community.
- Study: Catch up on schoolwork and study! This has been a uniquely challenging academic year – but you have almost made it through! Impress law school admissions with your excellent academic performance! Evaluate where you are at now with your academic progress, make a study plan and schedule for the rest of the semester (keep in mind big projects, papers, and exams), and finish the semester strong.
- Are you struggling with a course or two? Don’t forget to utilize the many resources on campus to support you – including visiting open office hours with professors and talking to your advisors!
- Watch Attorney Talks Interviews: We have recently interviewed more attorneys for our Attorney Talks Interviews. Obtain insights from UIUC alumni attorneys practicing in many different areas. Learn what you can do with a law degree and hear advice from practicing attorneys!
Summer 2021 Course Recommendations
Considering taking a class or two this summer but not sure which classes to take? This is the perfect time to figure out a summer class schedule. Taking summer classes can help alleviate your course load next semester, raise your GPA if you will be entering the application cycle in the fall, and help you complete general education requirements creating more flexibility for future semesters. Check out this handy chart for a list of recommended classes for pre-law students! Learn more about the registration and summer course options online!
Be sure to keep in mind…
- This is not an exhaustive list. There are 700+ classes being offered this summer. The highlighted classes may be particularly helpful and interesting for pre-law students, but there are many great options available!
- These courses are only suggestions and are NOT requirements. Students in ANY major can attend law school, and there are NO specifically required courses for pre-law undergrads. Law schools do not require any particular major or coursework.
- Some of these courses have prerequisites or may be restricted to students in the same department; check Course Explorer and speak to your academic advisor about the best individual courses for you. We are always here to help as well!