Hello Pre-Law Students!
As we continue to navigate this new world of physical distancing, and given Governor Pritzker’s “Stay-At-Home” Order, there will be no on campus activities or programs for the rest of this semester. However, various campus offices, like PLAS, will be providing additional and expanded online resources for students.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the University and COVID-19, please follow the link https://covid19.illinois.edu/.
All students are, of course, welcome to email an advisor with questions. Judy Argentieri’s email is jargenti@illinois.edu; Alex Gil’s email is agil6@illinois.edu. And finally, do not forget to use our main website, www.prelaw.illinois.edu, and particularly our “Pre-Law Handbook,” as a starting point for a quick answer to your question(s).
Final Appointments – Alex will be accepting appointments through this Thursday, April 23, then will be focusing on his law school final exams. Judy will be taking student appointments through next Wednesday, April 29. Please go to our online scheduling portal to make appointments.
Course Registration
Fall 2020 Time Tickets will be available to view Monday, April 6th. For more information on registration, times follow the link: https://registrar.illinois.edu/registration/registration-process/reg-fall-20/.
Additionally, our “Suggestions for Fall 2020 Courses” blog has been posted so don’t forget to check it out!! Link here: http://publish.illinois.edu/prelawadvising/2020/03/30/suggestions-for-fall-2020-courses/