Meeting minutes were published from the ‘Sustainable Intensification of cereal-based farming systems in Eastern and Southern Africa Project Inception Workshop‘ held from 6-9 February in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The minutes include crucial questions, magnitudes, and possible strategies to achieve better sustainable agriculture.
Sustainable Intensification of Cereal-Based Farming Systems in Eastern and Southern Africa
New Technology Introduced to Northern Farmers
The World Food Programme has donated new technology to farmers in northern Sri Lanka in order to boost paddy production and rice processing. The machinery was supplied through funding from the Norwegian, Australian, and Swiss governments. In addition to the technology donations, training is also being conducted in order to help farmers access the market more […]
Postharvest Management of Rice Urged
The supply chain of Vietnamese rice should be shortened, according to experts at a conference in the Mekong Delta focusing on PH processing. Rice quality in the region has greatly improved over the years with the introduction of improved rice strains and modern technology, but storage and drying are still the greatest weaknesses of the […]
Food Processing Short Course 2012
Michigan State University is offering a short course on food processing, packaging, and value-addition with registration open for 2012 now.
Cereals Board Launches New Drive to Boost Maize Harvest
The Kenyan Cereals Board launches a new drive to boost maize harvest by providing farmers with much-needed fertilizer and training on how to improve yields. This process should take about three months and 2.4 million bags of fertilizer, which are expected to save farmers’ losses by up to 30 percent.
Ghanaian United Front Party Focuses on Agriculture and Value Addition to Primary Products
New political party having a focus on private sector development in the economy, business, and entrepreneurship for youth. Agriculture a focus, as well as primary product value-addition.
NEPC, Fabricators Boost Agric Outputs
The Director General of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) partnered with fabricators to help add value in local food processing. Adelugba also stated that “There is no way we can add value without the necessary machines and equipment because value addition cannot be isolated from technology”. He pointed out that improving on agricultural products’ […]
Farmers’ Show Not Up to Today’s Challenges
Ugandans urge their government to allow for GMO-friendly policies and also for the need of new technologies and practices to be exhibited to the public at the annual agricultural show.
Packaging: Key to More Food and Economic Development
This magazine article illustrates the need to focus on packaging and postharvest technologies as joint efforts in the fight against food losses.
African Union Signs MOU with UN FAO
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the African Union Commission (AUC) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) was signed on July 5 at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa. The MoU defines the areas of cooperation between the two bodies in support of regional capacity building to reduce post harvest losses. […]