The world’s largest NGO, BRAC, surveyed its network on post-2015 development priorities, identifying an agenda similar to that of the UN High-Level Panel. Uniquely listed in BRAC’s top eight priorities, however, is the need for improved transportation infrastructure.
Ghana Loses GHC 700,000 in Postharvest Losses
Ghana government officials report the country loses between 20% to 50% of crops, valued at approximately $350,000 USD each year. Pointing to poor storage, transportation, and market infrastructure as problems of loss, one government official is also highly concerned about the amount of consumer food waste.
Sri Lanka: Cutting Postharvest losses
As much as 1/3 of produce in Sri Lanka goes to waste due to inefficient transport and storage methods. Transportation lines have multiple handling steps, and time-pressured transporters lack training on handling. Crates have been introduced to replace bag storage, but government officials doubt their effective integration without a streamlined and integrated market system.
Government Eyes 32 New Tramlines This Year
At least 32 tramlines will be built in the Phillippines by August 2013 in effort to raise farmers’ incomes through reducing postharvest losses. The Department of Agriculture expects lower transportation costs to contribute to a decrease in loss from 25% to 5%, and farming communities in hilly and mountainous regions are being targeted.
New Postharvest Storage Technologies for Latin America
The 2nd Latin American Convention on Airtight Storage was held in March in Guatemala, and showcased latest technologies that prevent losses of grain during storage and transport phases. Participants CIMMYT, FAO, and convention sponsor GrainPro, Inc, featured new technologies and provided evaluations and reviews of current programs.
Lack of Covered Storage Space for Food Grain Poses Big Challenge for Government
India lacks storage for at least one-third of the bumper wheat and rice crops that will be ready in June, with government procurement set to begin on April 1. The government looks to export large amounts, but faces issues with rail and water transport system capacity.
National Grains Biosecurity Standard Launched
Canada launched national standards for grain biodiversity that are meant to manage the risk of plant pests and disease. The voluntary standards include guidelines for safe handling, transport, and use of equipment. Opinions on voluntary status of standards vary.
Export Plans: Lots of Wheat, Still Not Neat
India lacks storage for at least one-third of the bumper wheat and rice crops that will be ready in June, with government procurement set to begin on April 1. The government looks to export large amounts, but faces issues with rail and water transport system capacity.
Grain Supplies Still Not Secure
Government officials report that China loses nearly 55 million tons of grain each year due to inadequate storage and transportation. Losses pose a serious threat to foodgrain security, despite large bumper harvests. Head of the State Administration of Grain said that due to rapid urbanization, reducing loss is “as important as protecting arable land”. […]
China Says Grain Supply Not Secure
Government officials report that China loses nearly 55 million tons of grain each year due to inadequate storage and transportation. Losses pose a serious threat to foodgrain security, despite large bumper harvests. Head of the State Administration of Grain said that due to rapid urbanization, reducing loss is “as important as protecting arable land”.