by Trent Houdek and Eddy Salinas, Juniors in Supply Chain Management at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The following post was written by students on an ADM Institute-sponsored observation study tour through India. Comparative analysis was the name of the game on one of our last days in India. While in the state of […]
Eyes on Food Security Law, FCI’s Food Grain Movement Up By 30%
The movement of food grains by the Food Corporation of India across the country has gone up by 30% in the last quarter as compared to the corresponding period last year. Officials say that with the new food security law, efforts are being made to “optimize movement of food grains throughout the country.”
Using Technology for India’s Food Program
States of India Chhattisgarh and Orissa are using technology to increase the efficiency of their food delivery systems in light of the food security law, standing out as models for other states on reducing supply chain losses. Innovative methods are being used including switching to an electronic database of beneficiaries, using SMS alerts to track […]
US Expertise Can Resolve Food Wastage Issues
US Congressman Ami Bera advocates for collaboration between the US and India on postharvest loss issues. Bera worked towards a MOU when recently in Delhi, focused on bringing US expertise to India on how to better manage, store, and move food to market.
Smallholder Farmers’ Highway to Food Markets
A July 2013 FAO report, “Smallholder Integration in Changing Markets”, emphasizes the heterogeneity of subsistence farmers, concluding there is no one-size-fits-all approach. It also emphasizes the reluctance of farmers to increase production when proper postharvest facilities and infrastructure are non-existent.
Running a Farm Business From Your Phone?
A Kenyan company has created an app that tracks deliveries from farm to market. The app, Agrimanagr, monitors inventory, supports mobile payments, and weighs out products with information on the cloud.
Focus On: Building Infrastructure in Africa
This Farming First blog post highlights the urgent need to improve infrastructure in Africa, where less than 50% of the rural population live close to adequate roads. Authors point to better infrastructure as a key means to reducing postharvest losses.
How to Prevent Hunger in Upcoming Decades? Try Precision Agriculture
IBM Chief Scientist says precision agriculture can help change the future of farming to feed a population of 9.2 billion in 2050. An IBM technology, Deep Thunder, can forecast future weather conditions and help farmers decide the best time to plant, irrigate, and harvest. Precise and predictive information can prevent losses in ways such as […]
Improper Storage Facilities Causing Huge Losses
Storage facilities in Pakistan are far below sector requirements, causing billions of dollars in losses each year. Cases of inclement weather aggravate the problem, as demonstrated in 2011 when flooding caused the loss of grain worth $3.27 billion dollars.
Agric Minister Advocates Measures to Reduce Postharvest Losses
Minister of Food and Agriculture Humado points to initiatives involved in developing comprehensive government plan for postharvest loss reduction, including model warehousing and receipt facilities, and investment in transportation.