Tag Archives | trade

Floods, Fungi Fan Food-Price Jitters Over Argentine Wheat

Heavy rains in Argentina have damaged wheat crops, reducing the harvest from 11.5 to possibly just 9.5 million tonnes this year. Quality was also affected as added moisture and delayed harvest time spurred the growth of fungi which is causing the crop to rot in the fields. The situation is a point of concern for […]


World Food Situation

Wheat production is low on a global scale due to droughts and flooding in major exporting countries like the United States, Canada, Ukraine, and Argentina. FAO reports that current global reserves are near the level they were in 2008. With food prices projected to increase, the ability to strengthen smallholder participation in value-added supply chains […]


Wheat Gains for Second Day as Drought May Erode U.S. Supplies

The drought in the United States continues on and now threatens the hard, red winter wheat crop. Warmer temperatures may cause faster maturation, putting the crops at risk if temperatures do eventually drop to colder levels typical of winter months. Scientists from Iowa, a top grain growing state, said the drought demonstrates the strong need […]


Rwanda: Minicom Releases New Instructions On Rice Processing and Trading

Rwanda’s Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) released new instructions for rice processing that formalizes national supply chain processes and linkages. The instructions mandate that only farmer cooperatives be allowed to sell and distribute rice to registered rice processing plants authorized by the MTI. http://allafrica.com/stories/201211060048.html


Export Pro-Actively to Deal With Grain Glut

One independent commodity analyst predicts the Government of India will hold more than 106 million tonnes of wheat and rice by July 2013 and urges for “aggressive export” to alleviate subsequent problems, including price inflation and risk of loss. The article argues that current inflated wheat prices are caused not by export activity, but rather […]


Africa Can Help Feed Africa

Postharvest losses could be reduced by decreasing barriers of trade between African countries according to a recent study by the World Bank. Complicated trade processes, including laws, fees, and high transport costs restrict crop surpluses from moving into profitable markets, which undercuts the ability of local farmers to improve regional food security. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTAFRICA/Resources/Africa-Can-Feed-Africa-Report.pdf


Africa Urged To Remove Barriers To Regional Trade

Postharvest losses could be reduced by decreasing barriers of trade between African countries according to a recent study by the World Bank. Complicated trade processes, including laws, fees, and high transport costs restrict crop surpluses from moving into profitable markets, which undercuts the ability of local farmers to improve regional food security. http://www.tax-news.com/news/Africa_Urged_To_Remove_Barriers_To_Regional_Trade____58087.html


India in Talks with Iran over Wheat Exports: FCI

India continues to seek out ways to free up grain storage space as large procurements overwhelm current facilities. One solution in pursuit is to export to Iran. Preliminary negotiation stages are in order and India hopes to secure a long-term export agreement of 1 million tonnes this year. http://zeenews.india.com/business/news/economy/india-in-talks-with-iran-over-wheat-exports-fci_62509.html


Thailand Readies Airport Warehouse to Store Record Stocks of Rice

A Thai government intervention scheme for securing adequate storage for paddy (rice) farmers is currently facing challenges. Officials are requesting use of old airport warehouses to store the rice as production continues to increase. Controversy exists over whether the government can support the scheme by exporting the rice. Many millers are turning farmers away due to lack […]


Government Faces Storage Space Issue Ahead of Rice Procurement Season

At the start of the Indian procurment season, the government is still facing severe storage shortages. The large bumper crop is overwhelming current capacities that still hold much of last year’s procurement. Government reactions include plans to add more storage capacity, release additional grain to the open market, and export to neighboring nations. Meanwhile, significant amounts of grain continue […]
