Multinational processing and manufacturing corporation, Bühler, joined ‘Partners in Food Solutions’, an international nonprofit organization which brings private sector expertise to small processors and millers in the developing world. Bühler stands as the 4th corporate partner, among Cargill, General Mills, and Royal DSM.{FDE81740-F54F-43F8-AD23-888236063FF5}&cck=1
Combating Aflatoxin – a Value Chain Approach
Alfatoxin, a cancer-causing fungus, costs Africa nearly $750 million in export losses to the EU each year, and puts an estimated 4.5 billion people worldwide at serious health risk. A UK-based organization called Twin works with farmers in Malawi to raise awareness, share best practices, and build private sector partnerships to improve supply chain safety. […]
Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs released the report, ‘Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business’, at their recent symposium in Washington, D.C. The report sites reducing loss as an essential element to sustainable intensification of agriculture. The Council also covered postharvest loss in a commentary piece leading up to the event.
Investments in Postharvest Loss Strategies Cardinal Says AUC
FAO and regional leaders stressed the importance of postharvest loss management at a recent meeting focused on Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) engagement in reducing loss in Sub-Saharan Africa. The African Union Commission introduced the PHL Project, which is an institutional capacity-building initiative aimed to increase awareness and understanding of PHL issues.
VC4D: Value Chain for Development
At a recent international symposium co-organized by the International Food Policy Research Institute and RenMin University in China, experts discussed Value Chain for Development (VC4D), which is the accepted approach for pro-poor smallholder development. The plan involves focusing on strengthening value chains, and encourages the role of public-private partnerships.
Experts Discuss Post Harvest Losses as World Population Grows
The federal government is strongly stressing the importance of reducing global food loss. Washington’s flagship global food security program, Feed the Future, has a direct focus on reducing postharvest loss. A recent partnership with seed multinational DuPont to improve the cowpea value chain in Ethiopia is one example of such efforts.
Waste Less to Feed More
Senior-level government officials emphasized the need to reduce postharvest loss to achieve global food security, environmental sustainability, and economic vitality. The Department of State hosted a forum dedicated to finding cross-sector solutions to postharvest loss. Assistant Secretary of the Economics and Business Affairs Bureau said in his opening remarks that there is “no silver bullet […]
Small Farms Crucial for Food Security, Say NGOs
At the Global Forum on Food and Agriculture in Germany, experts discussed the urgent need to direct investment and aid efforts toward smallholder farmers. One example cited is that many farmers who don’t have access to proper infrastructure experience postharvest loss. The Forum identified public-private partnerships which focus on smallholder development as crucial to global […]
Maize Milling Plan by Zambia’s Cooperatives
The Zambia Cooperative Federation announced development plans to construct maize milling facilities in selected provinces in the country. The facilities will bring processing capacity to communities which need to add value to their crops and produce staple household foods self-sufficiently. The Federation seeks government and stakeholder backing for their plans.
Global Food Security: the Role of Science and Technology
Wilton Park published a report from the October 2012 conference, Global food security: the role of science and technology. The report highlights key takeaways on postharvest loss-related topics such as farmer-scientist communication, extension, funding, knowledge gaps, public-private partnerships, and the role of government and regulation. (summary; full report)