Tag Archives | policy

Standards Need to Remain Voluntary, Industry Reps Caution

Canada launched national standards for grain biodiversity that are meant to manage the risk of plant pests and disease. The voluntary standards include guidelines for safe handling, transport, and use of equipment. Opinions on voluntary status of standards vary.  http://www.betterfarming.com/online-news/standards-need-remain-voluntary-industry-reps-caution-11775


National Grains Biosecurity Standard Launched

Canada launched national standards for grain biodiversity that are meant to manage the risk of plant pests and disease. The voluntary standards include guidelines for safe handling, transport, and use of equipment. Opinions on voluntary status of standards vary. http://www.grainews.ca/news/national-grains-biosecurity-standard-launched/1002112717/


FAO, IFAD Sign Agreement to Promote Smallholder Financing

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Fund for Agricultural Development agreed to commit $875,000 to help improve smallholder farmer access to finance. The grant will generate policy tools and training materials for stakeholders to use in making credit more accessible. Gained knowledge will be shared on an open source platform. http://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/169727/icode/


Food & International Security: Wasted

One UK academic claims there are strong links between potential water wars, land-grabbing, and postharvest loss. He argues food loss must be treated as a geopolitical issue, and that there needs to be more scientific research, funding, policy support, and awareness of PHL. http://theriskyshift.com/2013/02/food-international-security-wasted/


The Economist’s Feeding the World, 2013 Conference

Director Steve Sonka will participate in The Economist’s Feeding the World, 2013 conference on January 30th. Dr. Sonka will serve as a panelist for the “Getting Tough on Food Waste” session with three global experts. The conference aims to discuss how to best collaborate across sectors in meeting future global food security needs. http://cemea.economistconferences.com/event/feeding-world-2013/ftw-europe-agenda#.UQdodIXKy0b


States Lifted Only 70% Additional Foodgrains Released by Centre

The Indian government’s procurement system is under public scrutiny by farmers, millers, and other experts who highlight inconsistent operating procedures as the reason why large stockpiles go undistributed to millions of food-insecure families and individuals, which is 25% of the population, according to one article. Stockpiles that are not lifted often generate postharvest loss of […]


We Throw Away Half Our Food

The International Mechanical Engineers Association released a report titled “Global Food: Waste Not Want Not” stating that 30-50% of all food globally is wasted or lost. The report describes various instances where loss occurs, ranging from storage issues in India to supermarket waste in the UK. The report received substantial media coverage, demonstrating rising public concern over PHL. […]


Unfit Wheat Silos

An ad-hoc presidential committee says Egyptian wheat silos are unfit for use because they allow dust and grit to mix with high-quality Egyptian wheat. The government says eliminating the silos is not possible due to the high demand for storage space. Future policy suggestions include subsidization along the value chain as opposed to just at […]


Rwanda: Minicom Releases New Instructions On Rice Processing and Trading

Rwanda’s Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) released new instructions for rice processing that formalizes national supply chain processes and linkages. The instructions mandate that only farmer cooperatives be allowed to sell and distribute rice to registered rice processing plants authorized by the MTI. http://allafrica.com/stories/201211060048.html


Africa Can Help Feed Africa

Postharvest losses could be reduced by decreasing barriers of trade between African countries according to a recent study by the World Bank. Complicated trade processes, including laws, fees, and high transport costs restrict crop surpluses from moving into profitable markets, which undercuts the ability of local farmers to improve regional food security. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTAFRICA/Resources/Africa-Can-Feed-Africa-Report.pdf
