Tag Archives | Pakistan

Improper Storage Facilities Causing Huge Losses

Storage facilities in Pakistan are far below sector requirements, causing billions of dollars in losses each year. Cases of inclement weather aggravate the problem, as demonstrated in 2011 when flooding caused the loss of grain worth $3.27 billion dollars. http://www.brecorder.com/business-a-economy/189/1207326/


Controlling Post Harvest Losses Increases Yield

Pakistan’s agriculture department is promoting the use of relay-cropping to wheat farmers to help curb losses. The technique calls for farmers to sow their wheat within the standing cotton crop so that they meet the recommended sow date. According to a local official, wheat yields sown after November 20th see a 20kg decrease per acre. […]


Rs 15 bn Required for Uplift of Agri Sector: Member Export ICCI

Pakistan’s PHL losses are between 40-80%, as compared to that of the global benchmark. Wheat is 20% lower and non-basmati rice is 40% lower. Experts are estimating that 15 billion rupees are required to uplift the agricultural sector. http://www.onepakistan.com/finance/news/general/10220-rs-15-bn-required-for-uplift-of-agri-sector-member-export-icci.html


Agriculture Sector Lacks Efficiency, Competitiveness

Pakistan’s agricultural sector has gone from being deemed the “great bread basket” to being known for lacking efficiency and global competitiveness. Wheat yield is 20% lower and non-basmati rice yield is 40% lower than global standards. Pakistan’s PHL ranges from 40-80% compared to the global benchmark, and agricultural credit disbursement to Pakistani farmers declined from […]


New Agriculture Policy Govt Urged to Focus on Women Farmers

In a dialogue led by ActionAid, participants in a consultation workshop urged the government to revise its agricultural policy and focus on smallholder farmers, especially women, as a major factor in boosting the economic development. Both women and youth are largely ignored in Pakistani agriculture and policy considerations. Farmers also called for storage facilities and […]


Balanced Application of Fertilisers, Use of Quality Seed

Pakistani farmers lack in knowledge about proper application of fertilizers, quality seed, and efficient use of water, as well as better farm management practices. “Not a single professional farm manager is available in the country.” Food processing industries need to be pushed to ensure return to farmers and maintain a market price equilibrium. Helpful governmental policies […]


Lack of Proper Storage System Causing Inflation in KP: Survey

A survey reviewing the region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has found that lack of proper storage facilities is directly related to food price increases, particularly for that of wheat. “The current post-harvest wastage of wheat can be minimised through improved harvesting practices, solicited and farmer-friendly procurement processes, including timely provision of jute bags and outreach and transparent […]


Khar Appreciates Iceland’s Strong Support for Palestinian Cause to UN

Iceland and Pakistan in talks about sharing information related to PHL technology and improving quality control services, as a means of strengthening both the political and economical ties of the two countries. http://www.brecorder.com/pakistan/politics-a-policy/29156-khar-appreciates-icelands-strong-support-for-palestinian-cause-to-un.html


Rs. 300 Crore for Vegetable Clusters Near Cities

Pakistani Govenrment investing in growing crops close to cities in order to shorten transportation time and avoid potential postharvest loses. http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=74463


Pakistan Can Emerge as Biotechnology Leader

Pakistan’s Provincial Minister for Agriculture of the Punjab government is focusing on biotechnology and GMOs as a means of sustainable development and is pushing the country to become a leader in the field. http://pakobserver.net/detailnews.asp?id=104728
