‘Improving Food Security by Reducing Post-Harvest Losses’ will be held September 20, 2011, and will be held by Abt Associates, GrainPro, and the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa. Conference agenda is on the website. http://www.partnership-africa.org/content/improving-food-security-reducing-post-harvest-losses
Aiding Famine Victims in Somalia
The Somalian famine is seen as a result of bad politics, terrorist activity in blocking aid, and Western countries being unsure of how to interact with the unstable government. Drought and climate change have a large role in the famine, but it is the issue of governmental instability that prevents the country from reversing their […]
Bakers Sensitised on Use of Alternative Flour in Pastry Preparation
A two-day workshop on the use of alternative flours use in baked goods preparation recently ended, as the Ghanaian government is pushing to improve the market for various types of flour products. This endeavor is also seen as a means of improving food security and as a way for generating employment in the African country. […]
LIBERIA: FAO Holds Food Security Assessment Workshop
International NGOs, UN agencies, and the Ministry of Agriculture/CARI Wednesday attended a one-day food security assessment workshop to gauge prevailing food security needs of Ivorian refugees and host families in Nimba, Grand Gedeh, and Maryland Counties. http://www.shout-africa.com/business/liberia-fao-holds-food-security-assessment-workshop/
World Food Programme (WFP) Donates 19 Field Vehiclese
Sri Lanka was given 19 vehicles by the World Food Programme to be used to aid food security, reduce postharvest losses, and more, while the SL Agriculture Minister talked about the dangers of pesticides, movement toward organic farming, agricultural research and education, and rice self-sufficiency. http://www.priu.gov.lk/news_update/Current_Affairs/ca201107/20110727wfp_donates_19_field_vehicles.htm
Nigeria: FG Promises to Tackle Food Shortage Through Biotech
The Nigerian Federal Government is aiming at biotechnology as a means of dealing with food security, although legal uncertainties are frustrating the support for the cause. http://allafrica.com/stories/201108011730.html
Gambia: FAO Conducts Seminar on Post Harvest Management for Food Security
The Gambian government held a workshop with the FAO to deal with the pest, disease, and infrastructure issues related to food security. http://allafrica.com/stories/201107210762.html
EU/ADRA Project Increases Food Production in 7,887 Households
In Ghana, the EU/ADRA project increased staple food production up to 400% in selected districts. http://www.ghananewsagency.org/details/Economics/EU-ADRA-project-increases-food-production-in-7-887-households/?ci=3&ai=31284
In Defence of Rwanda’s Agricultural Underperformance
Rwanda is being held back by education, irrigation and drought issues, and a perceived risk in agricultural payback. The Minister of Agriculture is focusing on crop intensification projects, consolidating farmer land into cooperatives, and investing in postharvest infrastructure as a means to address the subpar agricultural results. http://www.independent.co.ug/News/regional-news/4415-in-defence-of-rwandas-agricultural-underperformance
ASEAN Food Security Conference, the CURE and ACIAR Training-Workshop
The IRRI Weekly Bulletin highlighted the ASEAN Food Security Conference, the CURE and ACIAR training-workshop on technology evaluation, the role of the Pinoy Rice Knowledge Bank’s for Philippine farmers and extension workers, and the IRRI-ADB project regarding “Addressing the Pre- and Postharvest Challenges in the Rice Supply Chain (in Phillipines).” http://irri.org/news-events/irri-bulletin/2011.29