A recently published article summarizes key efforts to address food security by the Rome-based UN agencies, highlighting FAO’s assistance to countries such as Mozambique in preventing postharvest losses of cereal grains. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/katy-wilson/food-security_b_2836586.html
GFFA Expert Panel “Reducing Post-Harvest-Losses Means Conserving Natural Resources and Saving Money”
A panel focused on reducing postharvest loss in Berlin’s Global Forum for Food and Agriculture, concluded that “reducing postharvest losses can only be achieved by setting up a conceptual framework addressing main actors in the value-adding chain”. Experts from FAO, CAADP, ICIPE, and others attended the forum. http://www.rural21.com/english/from-our-partners/detail/article/gffa-expert-panel-reducing-post-harvest-losses-means-conserving-natural-resources-and-saving-mone/
Food & International Security: Wasted
One UK academic claims there are strong links between potential water wars, land-grabbing, and postharvest loss. He argues food loss must be treated as a geopolitical issue, and that there needs to be more scientific research, funding, policy support, and awareness of PHL. http://theriskyshift.com/2013/02/food-international-security-wasted/
Call for More Responsible Investments in Agriculture to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty
The German Minister of Agriculture and the head of FAO have called for responsible international investment in agriculture because of the potential to cut poverty and hunger worldwide. The two leaders urge the global community to develop guidance for these types of investments which will direct money towards creating stronger value-chains for farmers, among other […]
Small Farms Crucial for Food Security, Say NGOs
At the Global Forum on Food and Agriculture in Germany, experts discussed the urgent need to direct investment and aid efforts toward smallholder farmers. One example cited is that many farmers who don’t have access to proper infrastructure experience postharvest loss. The Forum identified public-private partnerships which focus on smallholder development as crucial to global […]
We Throw Away Half Our Food
The International Mechanical Engineers Association released a report titled “Global Food: Waste Not Want Not” stating that 30-50% of all food globally is wasted or lost. The report describes various instances where loss occurs, ranging from storage issues in India to supermarket waste in the UK. The report received substantial media coverage, demonstrating rising public concern over PHL. […]
Food Prices Drop, But Food Waste Increases, Reports Say
The International Mechanical Engineers Association released a report titled “Global Food: Waste Not Want Not” stating that 30-50% of all food globally is wasted or lost. The report describes various instances where loss occurs, ranging from storage issues in India to supermarket waste in the UK. The report received substantial media coverage, demonstrating rising public concern over PHL. […]
Food Waste: Half Of All Food Ends Up Thrown Away
The International Mechanical Engineers Association released a report titled “Global Food: Waste Not Want Not” stating that 30-50% of all food globally is wasted or lost. The report describes various instances where loss occurs, ranging from storage issues in India to supermarket waste in the UK. The report received substantial media coverage, demonstrating rising public […]
Study: Up to Half the World’s Food Goes to Waste
The International Mechanical Engineers Association released a report titled “Global Food: Waste Not Want Not” stating that 30-50% of all food globally is wasted or lost. The report describes various instances where loss occurs, ranging from storage issues in India to supermarket waste in the UK. The report received substantial media coverage, demonstrating rising public […]
UK Supermarkets Reject ‘Wasted Food’ Report Claims
The International Mechanical Engineers Association released a report titled “Global Food: Waste Not Want Not” stating that 30-50% of all food globally is wasted or lost. The report describes various instances where loss occurs, ranging from storage issues in India to supermarket waste in the UK. The report received substantial media coverage, demonstrating rising public […]