Tag Archives | corruption

Farmers Lose in Rice Review

Major losses in the government’s flagship pledging program led officials to slash the pledging price of unmilled white rice by 20%, set a limit on household pledge amounts, and cap the total amount of paddy to be bought each year at 15 million tonnes. Many say modifications aren’t enough to curb corruption among millers and […]


Kenya: Grain Purchase Plan for Machakos

A county government will buy maize from farmers to reduce risks of exploitation from middlemen, as well as to control presence of aflatoxin that is frequently found in home-stored grain. http://allafrica.com/stories/201306110145.html


India’s Grain Mountain Grows Despite Push for Exports

India grain supplies are larger than ever with harvest about to begin for the sixth consecutive wheat crop to exceed demand. Wheat and rice bumper crops are competing for storage space, and the Indian government will face challenges in safely storing grain even despite efforts to export large amounts of grain. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/25/us-india-grains-glut-idUSBRE91O17U20130225


India’s Grain Storage Comes Up Short

Indian storage capacity again threatens food security as, for the second year in a row, a record grain crop is being harvested without adequate storage facility space. The government will add between 3-4 million tons of storage capacity by May or June, and 11 millions tons by year-end 2013. This move is still questioned, as […]


Nabard to Incentivise Banks to Boost Investment in Warehousing

The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) is encouraging other commercial banks to join its initiative in increasing warehousing capacity in order to help reduce PHL. Farmers will benefit from warehouse storage of their crops and achieve better price realization, while banks will benefit from interest charged. Nabard will assist the commercial banks who fund […]


G-20: Fact Sheet on Common Global Challenges

The G-20 has outlined PHL as one of its main priorities for development, recognizing the importance of such projects and programs as the Agricultural Market Information System, Agriculture Minister’s Action Plan, USAID initiatives, the Agricultural Pull Mechanism Initiative (AGPM), and the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program. http://www.enewspf.com/latest-news/latest-national/28534-g-20-fact-sheet-on-common-global-challenges.html


Yuletide: 11 Rice-laden Ships Berth at Lagos Ports

Rice is being imported through the Lagos Port in Nigeria, as the nation’s ban on international over-land trade continues, due to the large amount of smuggling and corrupt business transactions. Eleven ships of rice arrived with 240,276 metric tonnes of rice, a high number due to the unstable supply by Nigerian farmers, which have been affected […]


Head of Global Harvest Initiative Says Food Program Should Focus on Ending Corruption

In North America, US-based humanitarian and development organizations such as the “Feed the Future” campaign are urged to target the corruption in African countries, as many agribusiness companies will not invest in those with high levels of corruption.


4m Bags Needed as Maize Stocks Dry Up

Kenya faces serious smuggling problems, all while reserves have dropped to levels sufficient enough for only two months. 4.5 million bags need to be imported to Kenya due to the shortage and the government is counting on an early harvest to abate the problem. http://www.nation.co.ke/News/4m+bags+needed+as+maize+stocks+dry+up+/-/1056/1195992/-/8fodmt/-/


Maize Stocks Fall Sharply with Rise in Smuggling

Smuggling is yet another cause for PHL as one million bags of maize have disappeared and are thought to have been sent to southern Sudan. Accordingly, prices have doubled, stocks have decreased significantly, and the import duty on maize was waived so that the country could meet the demand of its citizens. http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Corporate+News/Maize+stocks+fall+sharply+with+rise++in+smuggling/-/539550/1195852/-/1032lwj/-/
