Tag Archives | China

Food Losses and Waste in China and Their Implication for Water and Land

Researchers from Beijing Forest University performed a comprehensive review on available information on food loss and food waste in China. Results show 19% of grains are lost from field to fork. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es401426b


Nearly 20 Percent of Chinese Grain Wasted From Farm to Fork

A report by the American Chemical Society says that 19 of every 100 pounds of grain produced in China is wasted before reaching its intended end. Consumer waste accounts for the highest portion, says the report, at 7%. http://www.foodengineeringmag.com/articles/91152-nearly-20-percent-of-chinese-grain-wasted-from-farm-to-fork


NE China Barn Fire Engulfs 1,000 Tonnes of Grain

A large scale fire burned through a grain storage center in northeastern China, destroying 1,000 tonnes of grain. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2013-06/03/c_132427509.htm


VC4D: Value Chain for Development

At a recent international symposium co-organized by the International Food Policy Research Institute and RenMin University in China, experts discussed Value Chain for Development (VC4D), which is the accepted approach for pro-poor smallholder development. The plan involves focusing on strengthening value chains, and encourages the role of public-private partnerships. http://www.ifpri.org/blog/vc4d-value-chain-development


Chinese Told to Clean Their Plates to End Food Waste

China’s State Administration of Grain recently announced that 50 million tonnes of food are lost each year, of which 35 million tonnes are grain lost in the drying, storage, and transportation postharvest phases. Consumers have started to respond with food waste reduction campaigns. http://ajw.asahi.com/article/asia/china/AJ201303020009


Grain Supplies Still Not Secure

Government officials report that China loses nearly 55 million tons of grain each year due to inadequate storage and transportation. Losses pose a serious threat to foodgrain security, despite large bumper harvests. Head of the State Administration of Grain said that due to rapid urbanization, reducing loss is “as important as protecting arable land”. http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90882/8133568.html […]


China Says Grain Supply Not Secure

Government officials report that China loses nearly 55 million tons of grain each year due to inadequate storage and transportation. Losses pose a serious threat to foodgrain security, despite large bumper harvests. Head of the State Administration of Grain said that due to rapid urbanization, reducing loss is “as important as protecting arable land”. http://www.upi.com/Business_News/2013/02/19/China-says-grain-supply-not-secure/UPI-96611361268556/


Govt Gets Involved to Cut Food Waste

Hong Kong seeks to reduce its 40% food waste by setting up the Food Wise Hong Kong Steering Committee. The committee is a combination of private, public, and civil sector representatives that will work to promote public awareness and best practices in public and private institutions over the course of at least the next three […]


World Food Day

World Food Day annually promotes awareness of food and agricultural issues and celebrates the work of those concerned with food security. This year, international figures recognized reducing postharvest losses as a necessary component of policymaking and action. Remarks came from leaders including Pakistani President Zardari and Kenyan Agricultural Minister Dr. Sall Kosgey. Chinese grain officials organized a nation-wide “24-hours […]


Officials Fast to Promote Grain Conservation

World Food Day annually promotes awareness of food and agricultural issues and celebrates the work of those concerned with food security. This year, international figures recognized reducing postharvest losses as a necessary component of policymaking and action. Remarks came from leaders including Pakistani President Zardari and Kenyan Agricultural Minister Dr. Sall Kosgey. Chinese grain officials organized a nation-wide “24-hours […]
