The Asian Development Bank (ADB) announced its new business plan that has a strategic focus on Cambodia. The US$525 million pipeline will target urbanization of secondary towns, urban-rural linkages, and private sector development, among other things. It will support projects aiming to commercialize rice production and enhance supply chains overall.
Cambodia: Forum on Loan Products and Banking Services Held for Rice Postharvest Sector
The Cambodia Postharvest Learning Alliance recently sponsored a forum on loan products and banking services in the rice postharvest sector. The forum included presentations on interventions for PHL, ‘business plans for piloting technologies with stakeholders’, and additional information on loan products and financial services. Attendees were stakeholders from all sides of the agricultural sector.
Cambodia Fact Sheet
Feed the Future has published a fact sheet on Cambodian agriculture and PHL issues, illustrating its goals and target regions in the SE Asian country. (PDF)
Postharvest Team Reviews Pilot Activities Addresses Rice Postproduction Challenges
The Asian Development Bank funded an IRRI Postharvest Project in order to reduce rice PHL in Asia through in-country reviews in Cambodia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Project groups consisted of collaborators from universities, business leaders, and public office and administration. Each participating country will roll out their outscaling plans in the first quarter of 2012 […]
Cambodia: Business Not As Usual—Loan Products and Banking Services for Postharvest Sector
The Cambodia Postharvest Learning Alliance sponsored its first business roundtable, Loan products and banking services for the postharvest sector, after which representatives from microfinance institutions presented their various loan products and banking services. They look to implement improved postharvest technologies as sustainable business models. The event offered farmers an opportunity to interact with banking institutions, […]
Flood Costs to Surpass $100mn
Flooding is costing Cambodia over US$100 million as more than 445,300 hectares of rice paddy have been affected or destroyed (about 20% of the total crop). Bridge and road infrastructure have been destroyed, while rice seedlings also have been affected. The government has mandated a cost jump from $250 to $500 per ton in response. […]
Germany’s University of Hohenheim Looks for Researchers to Study PHL
Germany’s University of Hohenheim is searching for researchers to conduct a study on preventing PHL by improved drying technology for rice. The research will be based on the Philippines, Cambodia, and Vietnam and will cover the following three research questions: 1. design and testing of low-cost greenhouese dryer for rice, 2. optimizing operation conditions to […]
Harvesting the Future: FAO and the EU Improve Postharvest Conditions
Cambodia and the EU are working together to improve postharvest conditions (video) through distribution of tarpaulins and rice storage bins and the provision of complementary training. This specific project will affect about 9,000 families.