Archive | Food security

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Nigeria: FG Promises to Tackle Food Shortage Through Biotech

The Nigerian Federal Government is aiming at biotechnology as a means of dealing with food security, although legal uncertainties are frustrating the support for the cause.


Gambia: FAO Conducts Seminar on Post Harvest Management for Food Security

The Gambian government held a workshop with the FAO to deal with the pest, disease, and infrastructure issues related to food security.


EU/ADRA Project Increases Food Production in 7,887 Households

In Ghana, the EU/ADRA project increased staple food production up to 400% in selected districts.


In Defence of Rwanda’s Agricultural Underperformance

Rwanda is being held back by education, irrigation and drought issues, and a perceived risk in agricultural payback. The Minister of Agriculture is focusing on crop intensification projects, consolidating farmer land into cooperatives, and investing in postharvest infrastructure as a means to address the subpar agricultural results.


ASEAN Food Security Conference, the CURE and ACIAR Training-Workshop

The IRRI Weekly Bulletin highlighted the ASEAN Food Security Conference, the CURE and ACIAR training-workshop on technology evaluation, the role of the Pinoy Rice Knowledge Bank’s for Philippine farmers and extension workers, and the IRRI-ADB project regarding “Addressing the Pre- and Postharvest Challenges in the Rice Supply Chain (in Phillipines).”


Every MP Should Own a Demonstration Farm

Ugandans urge their government to allow for GMO-friendly policies and also for the need of new technologies and practices to be exhibited to the public at the annual agricultural show.


Packaging: Key to More Food and Economic Development

This magazine article illustrates the need to focus on packaging and postharvest technologies as joint efforts in the fight against food losses.  


4m Bags Needed as Maize Stocks Dry Up

Kenya faces serious smuggling problems, all while reserves have dropped to levels sufficient enough for only two months. 4.5 million bags need to be imported to Kenya due to the shortage and the government is counting on an early harvest to abate the problem.


Rising Global Temperatures Melting Away Global Food Security

Lester Brown, President of Earth Policy Institute, says climate change will have devastating effect on Asian crops, especially rice, and would destroy the food security of many countries relying on major rice-exporting countries, like Vietnam. Increased climate change impact on temperature and water in India will lead to even tighter food supply issues.


African Union Signs MOU with UN FAO

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the African Union Commission (AUC) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) was signed on July 5 at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa. The MoU defines the areas of cooperation between the two bodies in support of regional capacity building to reduce post harvest losses. […]
