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Mixed Weather

US mixed climate and weather issues, as well as foreign trade prices and imports, are affecting the trading prices of cash grains, early purchasing and selling, and quality decline in corn and beans.


East Africa: We Cannot Fail When the Rains Do

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) working to help farmers develop resiliency to droughts. PH infrastructure crucial in mitigating problems associated with drought. “There needs to be greater government and donor support for integrated soil fertility management, erosion control, agro-forestry, and reforestation, which are fundamental to preserving the natural resources — the principal capital asset of […]


Rising Global Temperatures Melting Away Global Food Security

Lester Brown, President of Earth Policy Institute, says climate change will have devastating effect on Asian crops, especially rice, and would destroy the food security of many countries relying on major rice-exporting countries, like Vietnam. Increased climate change impact on temperature and water in India will lead to even tighter food supply issues.
